Someone appealed to mystery as an explanation for the fact that divine sovereignty and human free will coincide. Michael said that it was like Jesus being fully man and fully God.
The problem is that the Bible does TEACH that Jesus was both fully God and fully man. The Bible does NOT teach that sinful men have a free will.
Every time folks see the word "choose" the think that implies free will. It does not.
Will is bound to desire. Desire is shaped by external forces.
I like calf liver and gravy over rice. Do you?
Probably not- most people don't.
I do not like onions. Do you?
You probably eat them on your burger. Most folks do.
Now if I sat before you identical proportions of calf liver and a Krystal cheeseburger and said, "Choose", you would probably CHOOSE the Krystal burger.
Not me. Those things are covered in diced onions.
Did you make a choice? Yes. Was your will to choose completely free with no inclinations to the one or the other? Absolutely not. If you are like most folks I know your will was bound to choose the burger.
Men always choose what they most want. If you were to choose the stuff you did not like it would be because you wanted to make a point- you still would be doing what you most wanted.
Why would you not choose the calf liver? Because you do not want it. Now here's the kicker- Why did you not want it?
Forces outside of you molded your wants. You did not form your taste buds- God did. You did not decide into which family you would be born- God did. You did not decide in which environment and culture you would be raised- God did.
EVERYTHING that molded your desire against calf liver was determined by God.
So is your will really free? No. God determined in eternity past that you would choose the Krystal burger.
At the same time in eternity past God determined I would choose the calf liver.
Now what Arminians do at this point, because the wheels in their mind go into over drive thinking about all the negative connotations of this truth, they abandon rational argument and dive headfirst into emotion. They stop THINKING and start FEELING.
And they say: YOU ARE SAYING THAT GOD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SIN!!!!! And in comes the word "rape"- it is kind of funny- that one ALWAYS comes up.
And then you can't reason with them anymore. Truth doesn't matter. Logic is thrown out the door.
They DON'T CARE what logic proves; they don't like the idea they feel it leads to- and they're done. It doesn't matter if the BIBLE teaches it. It doesn't matter if logic demands it. They don't care. They don't want to EVEN CONSIDER what may be true beyond this point.
Calvinists are the ones who keep thinking at this point- and they are able to go the next step and find out that God is EVEN MORE GLORIOUS than they had dreamed. They find out that God does indeed DECREE all things for the highest of purposes. They find that the Bible is jam packed with this glorious truth.
Arminians are handicapped by irrational emotionalism. They are thus left in the dark on this matter.
The problem is that the Bible does TEACH that Jesus was both fully God and fully man. The Bible does NOT teach that sinful men have a free will.
Every time folks see the word "choose" the think that implies free will. It does not.
Will is bound to desire. Desire is shaped by external forces.
I like calf liver and gravy over rice. Do you?
Probably not- most people don't.
I do not like onions. Do you?
You probably eat them on your burger. Most folks do.
Now if I sat before you identical proportions of calf liver and a Krystal cheeseburger and said, "Choose", you would probably CHOOSE the Krystal burger.
Not me. Those things are covered in diced onions.
Did you make a choice? Yes. Was your will to choose completely free with no inclinations to the one or the other? Absolutely not. If you are like most folks I know your will was bound to choose the burger.
Men always choose what they most want. If you were to choose the stuff you did not like it would be because you wanted to make a point- you still would be doing what you most wanted.
Why would you not choose the calf liver? Because you do not want it. Now here's the kicker- Why did you not want it?
Forces outside of you molded your wants. You did not form your taste buds- God did. You did not decide into which family you would be born- God did. You did not decide in which environment and culture you would be raised- God did.
EVERYTHING that molded your desire against calf liver was determined by God.
So is your will really free? No. God determined in eternity past that you would choose the Krystal burger.
At the same time in eternity past God determined I would choose the calf liver.
Now what Arminians do at this point, because the wheels in their mind go into over drive thinking about all the negative connotations of this truth, they abandon rational argument and dive headfirst into emotion. They stop THINKING and start FEELING.
And they say: YOU ARE SAYING THAT GOD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SIN!!!!! And in comes the word "rape"- it is kind of funny- that one ALWAYS comes up.
And then you can't reason with them anymore. Truth doesn't matter. Logic is thrown out the door.
They DON'T CARE what logic proves; they don't like the idea they feel it leads to- and they're done. It doesn't matter if the BIBLE teaches it. It doesn't matter if logic demands it. They don't care. They don't want to EVEN CONSIDER what may be true beyond this point.
Calvinists are the ones who keep thinking at this point- and they are able to go the next step and find out that God is EVEN MORE GLORIOUS than they had dreamed. They find out that God does indeed DECREE all things for the highest of purposes. They find that the Bible is jam packed with this glorious truth.
Arminians are handicapped by irrational emotionalism. They are thus left in the dark on this matter.