[snipped - warning about questioning salvation of God's elect] Now I know in the OT he did have his favorites but when Jesus came on the scene, everyone gained access to grace (Gentile, Jew, Greek, Calvinists, and yes even Arminians,etc..) Your beliefs only teach me a few things about your god. First, that he does show "respect of person", because he only chooses to regenerate, save some people, not all. He has power to change my will but only chooses to change your will. Second, since he's able to change wills, then he must be a weak god, since some wills are never changed. Thirdly, the followers of your god have no real purpose, because he doesn't need them for anything. He does everything on his own. What point is a preacher or church that believes in this god. He's the one who changes people's will, so preaching, going to church, testifying, all of this is pointless. Matter of fact, you writing this ridiculous post was pointless because it can't change peoples' minds, that's left up to your god. No matter how many posts you make, you'll never be able to change minds or wills because only God does that. Sounds to me like a god that I don't want to serve. My God, on the other hand, wants everyone to be saved and to follow his commandments and live up to our covenant with him (that was made when we were saved). He wants people who truly and wholeheartedly love Him by there own choice. I love my kids with all my heart, but I can't force them to love me and I wouldn't want to force them. Because that's not real love, is it? That's totally something else. If I want true love, all I can do, is teach them, love them, forgive them when they fail, and always be there for them. Eventually they'll see that I'm genuine and have their best interest at heart, then they'll either choice to love me on those merits or rebel and go their own way. This is the same way my God works.
If God's main motive is to see people saved, then why doesn't He just change everybody's will at once? He has that power, right? Then everybody would be regenerated and He could go ahead and wind things up here on earth and we could all get out of here. I agree with some Calvinist views and some Arminian views, but most of all, I agree with the Bible and the Holy Spirit which lives in me and helps guide me. We all need to put our focus on God and not on some warped personal views.
I am assuming this is tongue-in-cheek. No one could be so totally wrong 16 times in a paragraph.