The salvation of the elect is certain.
Not one will be lost. 2 pet3:9,jn10:27-30
Jesus seeks and saves each sheep the Father gave to Him.
If you think salvation can be lost, you might not understand biblical salvation properly.
The myriads of the ins and outs of theologies of Christ, I make no claim to be an expert. But I should, and do, know how to give a defense of the faith that is within me.
The interesting thing in all those verses you cite (and they should be taken in whole along with Romans 8:35-39 about who or what can separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus, is that it does not address the saved one himself as to whether or not he/she can take themselves out of the Lord's hand. Why would anybody want to separate themselves from Christ after having come to know Him? Ludicrous thought. And God thinks it ludicrous, too.
Luke 9:62
Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God."
And yet that is exactly what we see in countless examples in the scriptures as well life today.
The love of the world, the desire for riches, the lust of the flesh, are constantly tempting people away from Christ. Be honest with me right now. I bet you and others right this minute talk in a tone of grief (Hey, I'm there with you!!!) about the brothers and sisters in your assembly that you are disappointed in, because they are constantly absent, never attend prayer gatherings (the absolute MOST important aspect of saints gathering), solemn assemblies, and perhaps worse, they would rather you have your "time allotments for Jesus" be at other times that do not conflict with the all important requirement of .... cooking dinner for somebody, watching the all important sports games, making some needed phone calls for business, preferring any of a number of things than Jesus.
Matt 10:37
Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Matt 10:38
And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
Oh, you say I'm too harsh with that last statement of mine. Well let us see and examine, might we?
Just exactly one hour ago I was in Denny's eating dinner alone with my bible open and reading this site at the same time. I wanted to address this post of yours while sitting at the restaurant, but for some strange reason was unable (site kept telling me my password entrance was wrong, which it wasn't).
A few people came in (turns out they were Baptists) with T-shirts on with this verse on the front and back of their shirts:
Matt 25:35
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,
Matt 25:36
I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.
One of them was going by me to the restroom and I said to him, "Are you guys Christians?" and he said with a big smile, "Yes", noticed my bible open and exclaimed "Oh I see you're reading. Great!"
On his trip back to his table I stopped him again and asked regarding the verse (which was in too small a print to read quickly) and he said, "Once a week we gather to hand out food and clothing to people in need around this area."
I attempted to engage him in some fellowship, but it was clear he was anxious to get back to his group.
I thought about what they and countless others do and think regarding that verse Matthew 25:36-36, and when I was paying my bill, had run it past the Lord and personally was just going to go on my way. In fact, twice I did the 2-step dance, back and forth. I wanted to just leave.
I went to their table and said, "Not to give offense, and I took none from you either. But that verse on your shirt, is really not about giving food and clothing to people. It's about the Christian that gets ostracized by others. And for whatever reason, you do not call on the phone certain Christians and leave them alone. They feel like they are in prison. They want spiritual food from other saints, but the other saints don't include them. This is the true meaning of the Lord's remarks to the goats, for 'I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat', AND what you did to the least of these, MY BRETHREN, you did or did not do unto Me."
The one said, "Yes, I'm aware of that meaning." I left, but it should be said that the other 3 at that table would not even look up and acknowledge me.