You are clearly not reading what I have written and are instead responding to what you think I believe. You wasted all those allcaps. I never said that the battle in Jerusalem is what caused all the heart attacks. They were various things throughout the Empire. The violent turmoil in Rome causing bloody upheavals of short-lived leaders, before that violent insurrections in Britain (from Boudica). Even after her death there was still such turmoil that Nero was only barely persuaded not to give up Britannia entirely. Like I said, there were other conflagrations in many places in the Empire.
The point is that the text does not say that ! Read the text. What is causing distress all over the world or the "nations" are the signs in the heavens and what is coming upon earth. Rome always started upheavals but the text is not speaking of generalities that characterize Rome's history. You are continuing to offer nothing burgers. Jesus is not speaking about the general history of Rome but he is referring to a specific point in time "then" or at that point where "men" (not Jews, not Romans) but "men" making up these "nations" which cover the earth are in heart attack mode due to these signs at this specific point in time - what point in time? When Christ comes "in the clouds" (just as he left - Acts 1:11).
I could quote you a ton of false interpretations drawn from uninspired people throughout history!!! Yours is just another false interpretation simply because it cannot stand up to the plain language of the text.BTW,once again, this interpretation is one given by several commentators throughout the centuries. It is not just a preterist interpretation.
Jesus is not speaking about a prolonged history of the Roman upheavals but speaking of specific signs at a specific point in time ("then") that ushers in the coming of Christ "in a cloud" that "they" ("") SEE!Once again. you are arguing against something I am not saying. I am not limiting it to the Jews.
Here is where your theory and interpretation self-destruct because "men" and "nations" where not present to "SEE" the destruction of Jerusalem. What "men" and "nations" SEE is the visible personal coming of Christ - so much for your false theory.
Your interepretation insults common sense and sound exegesis. Is this all I have???? Your theory simply fails as the men and nations or the Roman Empire was not present in Jerusalem to "see" this judgement upon Jerusalem but they will "see" Christ coming in the clouds and that is precisely what Jesus is saying these signs are ushering in - not some localized judgement but universal judgement so that all can see ("") these signs but "see" Christ himself coming in the clouds - these contextual facts obliterate your view.You read too quickly - misunderstanding/ not caring what I wrote, pound the allcaps, throw in some insults. Is this all you have?