I'm glad you are not a follower of Ruckman or Riplinger, either one.
I would be very surprised if you did not know more than I do on many passages. We do have the same Holy Spirit within us, do we not?
Having said that, the Bible says that we are not wise to compare ourselves: "For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise" (2 Cor. 10:12).
Now, you have compared yourself to me in spiritual understanding. I have compared myself with Riplinger only in the area of linguistics, not in spiritual areas. and only to show that she is not a linguist by any stretch of the imagination. That's because her entire claim to expertise in these areas is based on her claim to be a linguist.
Are you accusing me of something here? If you are, please be plain, say it straight out.
You lost me. What theory?
You have already falsely accused me of not believing in the preservation of Scripture. Now you are falsely accusing me of attacking Riplinger just to build myself up. So, you are attacking me for attacking Riplinger. You may have thrown her book away, but you have her attitude.
My purpose in this thread is not to build myself up. The KJV says, "A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself" (Titus 3:10-11). So this thread is the rejection part. I am attempting to show gullible people how awful her life and teachings are.
Yes, kind of like how you have tested your theories and found them to be true. That's not praising yourself, right? But you can freely attack my character, and that's all right.
Now, if you think I've been hard on Riplinger, go to the Bible For Today website, and other places where Phil Stringer accuses her of being a Kabbalist, and read what he says about her. She is a great spiritual danger to all who read her stuff.
Gail Riplinger and Suing Baptists
I actually agree with much that you say. But it is to the areas where I disagree that I am addressing my comments. For instance, you said the following.
I would be very surprised if you did not know more than I do on many passages. We do have the same Holy Spirit within us, do we not?
Having said that, the Bible says that we are not wise to compare ourselves: "For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise" (2 Cor. 10:12).
Now, you have compared yourself to me in spiritual understanding. I have compared myself with Riplinger only in the area of linguistics, not in spiritual areas. and only to show that she is not a linguist by any stretch of the imagination. That's because her entire claim to expertise in these areas is based on her claim to be a linguist.
Are you accusing me of something here? If you are, please be plain, say it straight out.
I compared myself to you and other linguists in spiritual understanding only in the context of the subject of this thread. I am not going back to mine your comments about Riplinger's spiritual condition, but you did make a comment about her being out of the will of God because she has set herself up as a teacher of theology to men in a church setting. While I would heartily agree with this assessment, I point it out to show that you have indeed judged her spiritual understanding and her obedience to the word of God and that she has violated a plain command in the pastoral epistles, which says, "I suffer not a woman to teach nor usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."
You said this in your op:
"On the spiritual side:
1. She has been divorced and remarried twice, and is on her third husband.
2. Her books never encourage revival: personal and corporate prayer, soul winning, church attendance, etc. (She very briefly encourages the reader to pray for understanding of Scripture in Appendix C of
New Age Bible Versions.)
3. So, the Great Commission is the last and greatest command of Christ, but where in her works does she speak of it?
4. Along that line, I was a missionary for 33 years, and was the lead translator of the Lifeline Japanese NT (due out soon). Where has she advocated fulfilling the Great Commission by missionary Bible translations?
5. She threatened a fellow believer (D. A. Waite) with a lawsuit, which is contrary to Scripture)."
Now, I would probably say that points # 3 and #4 is not a spiritual comparison between Ms Riplinger and yourself, but I defer to your very own claim.
One would think John of Japan and all these other posters could attend the same church and fellowship together and teach each other in Sunday School if you read these KJV only attack forums much. Most of these fellows do not believe a single word of the OT and few words in the NT ... but they are experts at parsing verbs in Greek.
Are you accusing me of something here? If you are, please be plain, say it straight out.
I have tested my theory on the doctrinal forums, such as eschatology and the Arminian/Calvinist debate, and find it to be true.
You lost me. What theory?
Remember our subject. You seem to think that KJV only believers, such as Riplinger, should not have an opinion on what is true and what is not true concerning translations of scripture unless they have proper academic credentials, which includes the ability to read the original languages and to be trained as linguists. That is what I gleaned from your comments so far and is probably why you have raised the subject now. My point was that there is as much doctrinal division among these people as there is among the common people and it is because that the deep things of God are hidden from the natural man no matter how polished and educated he is. God himself has made this point through the apostle Paul in 1 Cor 1-3.
Therefore, my theory is that one can prove the disagreement that exists between debaters because of how they view the words they read. Those who believe the words are literal and mean what they say, to whom they say them, are far more likely to have sound doctrine than those who read the words and see only a message that can be expressed in any words they choose, even to the point of paraphrasing. This gives the linguist and his translations no advantage if we already have a tried and true English word bible in which God has chosen the words and delivered them to us. We must believe his words and live by them. This is what he says.
Lu 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
The operative phrase is "live by." Men do not need every word of God to be saved from the penalty of sin, which is the second death, eternal separation from God and all that he is, in the lake of fire. But men do need every word of God if they are expected to live by them.
There are far worse bible deniers out there than Gail Riplinger, who have the ears of thousands more than she ever could have, who are accepted as great bible teachers and debaters because they know the original languages and have made a name for themselves. These seems to be the ones who cannot seem to get enough new English translations. Yet they do not believe the words that God says.