I don't know how it is overseas, but here in the States, we have a lot of traveling to do for work, school, etc..
An example: I have five children. They go to three different schools and the schools cannot afford to pick up students, so unless you live way out or are special needs, you're on your own. I've been working at yet a different school. All the school have different start times.
This means that the bare minimum driving for one week day ends up being the following:
Drive first three kids to school, drive back.
Drive fourth kid to school if need be (that one IS in walking distance but one of mine also was a potential kidnapping victim, we got there in time, thankfully!) and then drive back home.
DH drives me to the school where I work, then drives back.
After a bit, it is time to take the fifth kid to school.
Reverse all this at the end of the school day.
After a bit, husband must drive to work and drive home.
There is a standing doctor appointment once a week out of town.
There is a decent distance to drive for one of our churches on Saturday.
There is a short drive to the other one on Sundays and Wednesdays.
We live in a city, so there is a lot of stopping and starting, plus stopping and starting the vehicle for all the different pick-ups.
Add in store, other doctor appointments, etc..
If we made minimum wage, it would be impossible. We spend around $350 a month on gas. Minimum wage would mean $1,087.00 a month working full time...most places out here force an unpaid 30 minutes of lunch. That would be before taxes. That would leave $737.50 for rent, food, car maintenance, utilities, etc..
We're lucky that we're not living off one minimum wage, but in some areas of the country, there are many people who are and who live in higher cost of living areas. There are professionals with decent degrees that are now working minimum wage jobs, losing their homes, etc..
Yes, the cost of gas here in the United States is a very big deal for us.
BTW, we do not have public transportation in our immediate area, so that is not an option to save money. We do not have sidewalks to walk on, even if we did live in walking distance of the schools, job sites, and churches.
It's definitely a big deal when you live in an area where you are dependent on driving.