It seems as if your views please them very much. No pervert claims to be a God hater until the truth crosses their path and then see how much hate they have.
No, not really. Most gay rights supporters don't treat me kindly when they find out what my views are. But, I don't shove it in their face, either, that helps. Most of the hostility has come in such as when on another site I made a "controversial"statement. Although they do sometimes respect that I don't see fit to make my beliefs a political thing.
My friends who are gay are aware of my views, and we simply choose to respect each other's views. I don't attempt to force them into Christianity (although they are aware of my faith), and they don't attempt to force me out of it. In fact a few gays, including one of my friends, has openly supported my statement that people have a RIGHT to oppose gay marriage politically and that it doesn't make them bad people. My one friend (acquaintance, really) because she has closer friends who don't approve of homosexuality but whom she still respects.
I'm well aware of how hostile the gay movement can be towards any opposition. My mother has received DEATH THREATS on Facebook over her views. (And site support didn't see a reason to ban the offenders.) When I rushed to her defense I was given the same verbal abuse, even though I never once stated my position.
But it's demeaning and insulting, IMO, to assume that all homosexuals and their supporters are this way. The most vocal ones, certainly. But let's be honest, generalizations are just that: generalizations. They don't describe everybody, perhaps not even a vast majority.
To be perfectly honest? There are things that make neither side very desirable, for me or anybody. On one hand we have emotionally unstable persons who would maim and kill those who dare express a different opinion, and on the other we have those claiming to be Christ followers who would rather accuse and shun sinners like they're worse than any other sinners than treating them like people and showing them the way to Christ.
I'm not saying that's you, mind. I don't know you from Adam, and I'm not going to make assumptions based on the tone of your posts. (Especially since the tone is so easily misunderstood and clouded by one's own perspective when reading it.)
I'm not looking to intentionally turn away the people I hope to reach. That'd wouldn't do much good or make for a very effective witness. So of course I treat them like I would anyone else. Of course I'm going to be friendly towards them. Of course I'm going to show them kindness. And if they still hate me? I'll turn the other cheek.