“The wider hope may have a right or wrong meaning. If by it is intended no more than we repudiate the dark limits with which Calvinism has circumscribed the divine perfection of mercy, and that the church does not permit us with certainty to say of any soul, with the possible exception of one, that it is irretrievably lost, we most cordially accept the term.”
The above view of “Wider Hope” meaning unlimited atonement was written in 1885. So we must provide a specific definition of wider hope to know we are on the same page.
“Most proponents of a Wider Hope view are not Universalists. Rather, there is still a view that some will have a positive eternal destiny and some will not. However, the way to get in on the atonement is not only by an explicit response to the message of the Good News, but by various other means.” (Written by Daniel C. Juster)
“Those of the Wider Hope perspective embrace the truth that human beings are only destined for heaven through the great act of God in the crucifixion and resurrection of Yeshua. All who are ultimately saved will only be saved through him. However, the application of that sacrifice may be very broad. Those of the widest Wider Hope are Universalists.” (Written by Daniel C. Juster )
So in summary, what I mean by wider hope is the view that folks can be saved by various means other than God crediting their faith in Christ as righteousness during their lifetime.
Folks that never have heard the call of the gospel die in unbelief and remain condemned having never had an opportunity to embrace Christ. If you advocate something else, you are advocating “wider hope.”
The above view of “Wider Hope” meaning unlimited atonement was written in 1885. So we must provide a specific definition of wider hope to know we are on the same page.
“Most proponents of a Wider Hope view are not Universalists. Rather, there is still a view that some will have a positive eternal destiny and some will not. However, the way to get in on the atonement is not only by an explicit response to the message of the Good News, but by various other means.” (Written by Daniel C. Juster)
“Those of the Wider Hope perspective embrace the truth that human beings are only destined for heaven through the great act of God in the crucifixion and resurrection of Yeshua. All who are ultimately saved will only be saved through him. However, the application of that sacrifice may be very broad. Those of the widest Wider Hope are Universalists.” (Written by Daniel C. Juster )
So in summary, what I mean by wider hope is the view that folks can be saved by various means other than God crediting their faith in Christ as righteousness during their lifetime.
Folks that never have heard the call of the gospel die in unbelief and remain condemned having never had an opportunity to embrace Christ. If you advocate something else, you are advocating “wider hope.”