I became an adult about 1970, and there is an element of truth in what you say. While I do not like to paint an entire group of people by age with one stoke of the brush, there are certain characteristics of my generation that did this nation no good as far as advancing the Gospel and work of the Lord. I consider us the first abusive me, myself, and I generation, with our attention focused on us instead of Jesus. Not that it has gotten any better and in some ways worse since, we in a way launched the selfish ideals at a exponential rate.
Sure, we can cite some worldly events, race riots, Watergate, assasinations, Woodstock, the Vietnam War, decline in the churches, etc as a sign of changing times for the worse compared to the last generations. However, compare that to the 20s. This problem goes much deeper that that. It goes to the human heart.
One of the first movies to come out that showed a total lack of respect for the person of Jesus Christ was "Jesus Christ Superstar." My parents would not even allow me to go.
I can blame liberals, homosexuals, activists, Communistis, socialists etc all day long, but the point Luke has made, the real point is us. If I have a point of disagreement, it would be blaming a generation instead of a series of generations since. It all gets down to two words, selfishness and laziness., and right within our own local churches. These outward sins have always gone on. What changed is the local churches not calling them to account and turing their noses inward.
The Bible tells us to put on the whole armor of God. Instead, everyone stands around and scratches their heads about why the empty pews. Instead of the armour of God, we put on pot lucks. We show no concern for the lost soul. One in 100 people show up for visitation. We have transformed local churches into a senior citizen social club. We toleratate rampant gossip. We water down the consequences of sin. We have arguments in church on what color to change the carpet. We worry more about dancing, drinking, lottery tickets and TV shows than bringing someone to salvation.
Yes, I do think my generation started the slippery slope. Now, I will say that there are times for harsh, pointed language to get a point across, but not always. Evil has always been out there. Christ and His church is what keeps it in check. When Christians for the most part become self centered slobs, the outcome is not hard to predict.