Roy, look back at the original post. There is no asking of anything.
There is only a statement of declarative FACT by Sai that the Floyd family is going to hell because of who spoke at the funeral. He does not ask for evidence to the contrary.
"I have to say that if his family are having Al Sharpton preach at his funeral, that at least we know his family members aren’t true believers."
The original post and the title don' t jibe. I was responding to the title.
Serious question here Scarlet: Would you feel honored if Al Sharpton were preaching your mom's funeral? Would your mom feel honored to have Al Sharpton preach your funeral or hers? I think the point that Sai was stressing was that a supposed righteous family invited a race-baiting charleton to speak at a departed family member's funeral. Why would Christ-honoring people do that?
My feeling is that Sharpton would garner more publicity for them than the local pastor.