I'm trying to discern the difference between this and what the pentecostals do. Both are unintelligible by anyone today. Both are not used as a witness to unbelievers. You admit a lot of the words are from a dead language you had previous studied, which leads me to believe there was a subconscious factor which seems to rule out God's hand.
Also, if God really wanted to show you this was still going on today, don't you think he would have given you something a little more impressive? This is the problem I've always had with the modern sign gift movement. Their miracles are so unimpressive, especially compared to those at Pentecost.
I understand your points, but that still leaves an awful lot wanting. It doesn't explain the songs that came out of me that I had never heard before. It fails to tell me how a person who flunked college level classical Latin managed to drastically expand his vocabulary to terms like the Latin for "ocher," an english term I had to look up on wikipedia. It also fails to tell me how I got a minute and 16 seconds of spontaneous church Latin singing in a brand new tune to be grammatically correct as a person who flunked college classical Latin. I also have two other songs. One may be classical Latin, if so it sounds alien to me. The third may be an Asian language. I had studied Mandarin Chinese symbols and pronunciation back in the day, but never got around to speaking the language. Thus, it will shock me to death if it were say Mandarin spoken correctly. Fortunately I have three recordings since I got to my computer as fast as possible when I felt what I think was tongues coming on.
I do plan to use this for evangelistic purposes. I see that as the main point of such a gift in xenoglossy.
I am going to make a professional blog on a series of material that exposes IHOPKCs foundational beliefs. For one, IHOPKC is a nuclear Armageddon cult. They have a founding prophecy that says the antichrist will arise to launch a nuclear strike on America. However, Kansas City will be spared, and will send forth supernatural evangelists from IHOPKC to reap a billion soul harvest during a seven year Tribulation.
I also want to teach lessons on key topics of concern to those leaving the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) from a cautiously continuationist standpoint, including on tongues. I want to promote the Christian apologetic ministry Fighting for the Faith. I also want to promote sound biblical exegesis where my limited knowledge allows for comprehensive lessons. Links to solid pages that already field questions would suffice until I get around to my own explanation based on the Word. I could also act as a point of contact using email for those people leaving unbiblical churches in need of brotherly advice.
I have the following written up as a blog post for that website so far on the gift of tongues: I then link the song in what appears to be church Latin. Like I said, I have two other songs I am looking at posting if I can identify the languages. The point is to expand a biblical view of the gift and use of tongues in the church and stop the incessant gibberish coming out of most people in a church setting. Unless you are speaking a language, it isn't tongues.
The spiritual gift of Tongues is the speaking of intelligible languages by someone who does not under ordinary means have proficiency in that language. It is one of many gifts for Christians from God. It is spoken of in His Word, the bible.
The biblical passages in 1 Corinthians 14 and Acts 2 are the key biblical teachings on tongues. All teachings on tongues in this post are based on these two chapters.
Tongues are a sign and wonder aimed at unbelievers, not believers. Believers only benefit if the languages are interpreted for edification from God. Tongues are a demonstration of God's power and are a sign to those in need of embracing Jesus Christ as their savior. He has died for everyone on the Cross to take away our sins. Those people that put faith in Him and His Cross for the forgiveness of their sins will have the gift of eternal life. They will not be consigned to hell after dying in this world or when Jesus Christ returns in the sky in glory.
Scripture makes plain tongues should be sought to be interpreted to edify the church. If no interpretation is available, then tongues are not to be spoken in the church assembly.
Tongues were also spoken by individuals without interpretation. This is biblical if it is a real language being spoken, not gibberish. This exercises the spirit of the believer, but does not fully utilize the mind of the believer, since what is spoken is a mystery. Again, as awesome as such an ability is, such utterances in a foreign language are not meant for an assembly of believers at church.
Of course, Pentecostal and Charismatic church "tongues" is gibberish and generally repetitive. It can sound like "Shaka Baba Shaka Baba Ramata," to paraphrase a joke by Christian apologist Chris Rosebrough.
I believe the gift of tongues is still around, but is very rare.
I know anecdotes from people that I trust combined with my own experience of being able to occasionally speak in tongues. I am looking for evidence of tongues in church history, it is scant but I have some leads. I plan to share more as I come to an understanding of this gift.
The following is a sample of actual tongues for a limited audience, the language being spoken appears to be Latin:
I hope that explains things.