Verse 12 about women neither teaching Men, nor having Male authority. Women in vs. 9 being singled out as a group to have "shamefacedness." Vs. 10 commanding them to adorn with "good works" rather than showing the sin of shallow outward appearances. Why was this not said to the Men?
"Learn in silence with all subjugation," given as the literal Word of God in vs. 11. The Divine rationale in vss. 13-14, "For Adam was first formed, then Eve. Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
The odd conclusion in vs. 15 about receiving Salvation "in childbearing," conditionally if "they continue in faith and charity and holiness, with sobriety." Sobriety can only mean no chatting and bouncing around. Paul repeats this in 2 Tim. 2:16, "Shun empty chatter." Peter commands the same in his First Epistle.
This is God's inspired Word to Believing women. Pointedly stated. No need for discussion. This is from the highly educated, redeemed, spiritually reborn, zealous Paul.
He relates "childbearing" to the issue of "shamefacedness" and "braided hair." What was his procedure of exegesis from other Scripture to link "shamefacedness, childbearing, and braided hair?"
"Learn in silence with all subjugation," given as the literal Word of God in vs. 11. The Divine rationale in vss. 13-14, "For Adam was first formed, then Eve. Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
The odd conclusion in vs. 15 about receiving Salvation "in childbearing," conditionally if "they continue in faith and charity and holiness, with sobriety." Sobriety can only mean no chatting and bouncing around. Paul repeats this in 2 Tim. 2:16, "Shun empty chatter." Peter commands the same in his First Epistle.
This is God's inspired Word to Believing women. Pointedly stated. No need for discussion. This is from the highly educated, redeemed, spiritually reborn, zealous Paul.
He relates "childbearing" to the issue of "shamefacedness" and "braided hair." What was his procedure of exegesis from other Scripture to link "shamefacedness, childbearing, and braided hair?"
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