Oh for the love of all. I will read Padres post again for I may have missed something.
What you missed was everything that came after my name. You have a rigid matrix of those you consider worthy of speaking to the issues you raise. I am not a Calvinist. You know that from previous conversations we've had. You stop before you read and try to reflect on what is being said.
I have a fair amount of education, background and experience to offer an answer to many of your questions. The fact that I am not a Calvinist with a fair amount of education, background and experience makes me persona non grata in your conversations.
Not surprisingly that is how you approach the church and pastor where you attend. They are not Calvinistic and you shut out anything else they have to say. That's not a doctrinal issue. That is a heart issue. You have selected a variety if isms as planks in your platform of doctrinal beliefs. That, in itself, is sound. Where it falls apart is what appears to be your belief that anyone differing in even one plank is somehow inferior in belief and practice.
You have already told me you would never sit under my teaching. That would work out for the best for both of us. It would save you the anxiety of listening to my unCalvinism. It would save me from having to run you off before you leavened the whole lump; as it were.
Your pastor has to account to God for the things he teaches. If he is teaching heresy you need to gather up the Missus and flee! I suspect he is not doing that. Have you prayed for him? Have you done so consistently, sincerely and with earnest?
Pastors need Aaron and Hur to come along side. Alexanders are a dime a dozen. You get to choose what one you want to be. If you choose to be an Alexander you -and the church - will be better served by you staying home on Sunday mornings.
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