Look again. My post was not advocating teetotalism, it was opposing equating gluttony with drunkenness.
And it's none of your business anyway if I choose to stand for teetotalism. I am obeying my father. My paternal grandfather was a drunkard who would come home drunk and beat my father, then died when my father was just a boy. After that his two older brothers would get drunk and beat him. It's a miracle he got saved out of that abuse and became a preacher of the Gospel for 60 years.
One day when I was a boy, my Dad took me down to the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago where he was to preach. As we came to a drunk lying in the gutter in his own vomit, Dad said to me, "Son, that's what alcohol does." So if I choose to oppose all alcohol, I'm obeying my father. And that's none of your business. And for the record, I have never "tried to force" my POV on others, and rarely even have posted on the alcohol threads here for a long time. So drink all the booze you want, but kindly stay out of my life.