God Did Not Choose to Bring Glory to His Son and The Eternal Triune Godhead, by Preventing Adam from having The FREE WILL, and Immutability, and, therefore, no robotic activity, when Adam openly and defiantly was responsible for Transgressing God's COMMAND, to him.
Therefore, Adam was responsible for having SINNED AGAINST THE ETERNALLY HOLY GOD.
All of Adam's posterity are, then, dead in trespasses and sins, as a result of Adam doing what God Had Prophecied he would.
Adam died.
In the Day you eat thereof, you will surely die.
Adam lost the capacity to have an Interaction with The God, Who is Spirit, with The Realm of The Spirit.
Adam's soul took on The Nature of Dead, Depraved, Deceived, Carnal, Flesh, WITHOUT GOD, or THE SPIRIT of GOD.
If Adam were dead in trespasses and sin then how was He able to communicate with God immediately after he sinned?
The same with his son cane.
This prove there is no inability to hear and understand but is nothing more than Calvinist imagination
If God is in complete control of everything now then God Him self Would be a Law breaker. By the Calvinist definition of the word Sovereign They make God a LiarGOD WAS IN COMPLETE SOVEREIGN CONTROL OF ALL THINGS WHEN HE ALLOWED FOR HIS SON TO BE GLORIFIED, by HIS WORK OF REDEEMING LOST SOULS, WHO ALL BECAME LOST, IN ADAM.
Just as God was in Complete, Sovereign Control when His Son was crucified.
Acts 2:23;
“Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:”
King James Version (KJV)
And 'when else' is Almighty God in Complete Sovereign Control?
"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:" Isaiah 46:10
God commands by the Authority of the Word of God that you BOW to God's Sovereignty.