The following is from R.A. Finlayson's book : " Reformed Theological Writings " . ( page 259 ) .
The following terms , having a bearing on God's decree , are used in the New Testament .
Boule : plan or counsel based on deliberate wisdom .
Thelema : will as such ; in God the principle of all things , a principle precedent to everything .
Eudokia : goodwill , expressive of divine favour and pleasure .
Prophesis : deliberate purpose ; the opposite of arbitrariness .
Ekloge : choosing out , signifying selection and the operation of choice .
Prognosis and progignosko : foreknowledge , generally of persons rather than of things , indicates intimate relationship to persons involving knowledge of them rather than about them .
Proorismos : to bind beforehand , and so , forordination generally embrasing means used to bring the forknown ones to their appointed destiny . The Vulgate translates it praedestino from which the A.V. gets predestination .
All these terms indicate that there is a purpose of God that precedes the facts of history , history being the medium through which the already existing purpose finds expression ... there is a distinct aversion to the use of the word decree . But the Old Testament has many express statements signifying that God has decreed . This is variously expressed as ' established ', ' appointed ' , ' determined ' ,and so on . In the New Testament it is spoken of as the prophesis of God , ... ' the dei of the divine decree ' a necessity that flows from it .
The following terms , having a bearing on God's decree , are used in the New Testament .
Boule : plan or counsel based on deliberate wisdom .
Thelema : will as such ; in God the principle of all things , a principle precedent to everything .
Eudokia : goodwill , expressive of divine favour and pleasure .
Prophesis : deliberate purpose ; the opposite of arbitrariness .
Ekloge : choosing out , signifying selection and the operation of choice .
Prognosis and progignosko : foreknowledge , generally of persons rather than of things , indicates intimate relationship to persons involving knowledge of them rather than about them .
Proorismos : to bind beforehand , and so , forordination generally embrasing means used to bring the forknown ones to their appointed destiny . The Vulgate translates it praedestino from which the A.V. gets predestination .
All these terms indicate that there is a purpose of God that precedes the facts of history , history being the medium through which the already existing purpose finds expression ... there is a distinct aversion to the use of the word decree . But the Old Testament has many express statements signifying that God has decreed . This is variously expressed as ' established ', ' appointed ' , ' determined ' ,and so on . In the New Testament it is spoken of as the prophesis of God , ... ' the dei of the divine decree ' a necessity that flows from it .