Laughably is states what it states.[/quotes]
And what it states is simply this;
"A man's 'free'-will cannot cure him even of the tooth ache, or of a sore finger; and yet he madly thinks it is in its power to cure his soul."
Nowhere in that sentence is Toplady providing a citation - I don't see a footnote either. It is your baseless assumption that a calvinist cannot make any soteriological statement unless he is quoting an amyraldian arminain, semi-pelagain or pelagian - sometimes friend we are simply presenting the truth as we understand it.
In this phrase Toplady is simply expounding the powerlessness of the human will in regards to salvation. he is not saying Arminains teach that one can will a cure for toothache. The very rediculous nature of such an assertion precludes that understanding
Are you suggesting that there was some esoteric minutiae that we failed to grasp? Really?
Who is the we? You are the only person I have ever come across that has taken offense at this comment.
I have heard far better than this...
Well I have never claimed to be brillaint, intelligent, scholarly or an expert so that doesn't surprise me at all. However I will say I rarelly heard worse!
I have read NOTHING into it, and I have not failed to understand it...What is it then, the Upanishads??
I could debate Hinduism with you if you wish, but I see no point. Instead I will just point out that this is another blind alley you are truly to use to distract, a little like the servertus claim, and sprong claim in your previous post to me.
Oh, do tell.

Who do you think you are???
Pointless, antogonists rhetoric!
I didn't "misunderstand" it...and neither did you...stop insulting the intelligence of others.
Well I have explained it enough times now - let others decide who is insulting the intelligence of who in this thread.
Not responding or can't respond
You only "see no reason" because you can't. Cease your bluff.
Which of your statemenst do you think I am unable to respond to? You're veiled attempt at a charecetr assination of Calvin who had no power in the trial of servertus - he wa snothing more then an expert witness.
Or perhaps it is this you think I cannot respond to;
a 700-page treatise on What??????
In my previous post I had told you what the treatise was on!
RB said:
also writing a 700 page treatise on calvinism being the historical position of the Church of England
My freind, it has never been that I am unable to respond, simply that I do not wish to be dragged down to this level of response which I consider childish and a very pootr witness.
You are on a debate board...and you have been called...Grow up boy. Post like a man, or walk away like one...both are, in fact, honorable.
No, you have picked a needless and entirely pointless fight and are continue to provoke me for a reason well beyong my ability to fathom. I repeat that I have explained to you the nature of the statement - your determination to see it in any other light that it was intended is your problem - not mine.
the world is watching
They would think precisely what I think....that there are, in fact, those who, when called to task about a topic either are man enough to learn and accept correction...and there are also self-important willful ignoramusses...
Ah yes - but which one of us will they think is the "self-important willful ignoramusses..." I wonder.
Now back to the point - do you really think people reading your words will say to another here are people who depsite their differences can show respect to another and love another and think better of the other person then they can themselves?
get what
No, Get it, little BOY.....I want you to quote ONE SINGLE ARMINIAN saying something so MORONIC as you state...I don't want you to quote a Calvinist smart-guy....quote an ARMINIAN....You have nothing. You never did, and you never will.
Once again you show yourself up my freind, for I repeat Toplday neither implied any ever said thses things - he is simply making an assertion regarding the powerlessness of the human will.
You're continue insistence that I should provide something that simply isn't there, and that I have already told you isn't there and explained to you - speaks more about you're antagonism towards me and my beliefs then anything else. Tell me, have we met on another forum before? Have I caused you some hurt in the past of which I am not aware? If not, why do you persue me in this way!
Alreday addressed
You have given us one Calvinist stating such stupidity...quote an Arminian making such a retarded statement as I challenged you before...I know you can't.
Which do you want, "an Arminian" or "an authority on arminianism" - you're demands are not even consistant - How can I respond meaningfully when you ask for diferent things each time?
Having pointed that out I will return to the point at hand, Toplady is merely quoting on the impotence of the huamn will in regards to man's salvation. He is not saying any has ever said that a human can cure a toothache by the power of his will.
It is a fact that you can't. Quote a respectable Arminian...
I can quote many respectable arminains, what would you like me to quote them on? I am more then happy to discuss the differing views on human free will if you desire that.
or walk away little one...and tuck your tail between your legs first..
I think in a little while you will say you are not calling this a victory - really!
Toplady is a Calvinist....Quote an Arminian...Words have no meaning to you do they????
One question mark is a question, two is antogonistic, what does 4 mean! As to what words mean to me - yes they have meaning to me which is why I ask you to be consistent in what you demand of me. It is also why I ask you to tone down your rhetoric and it is also why I reject your apology as false because words have meaning - if you apologise - show it by treating me with a modicum of respect and talk to me as you're brother in Christ rather then something you have just found on the bottom of your shoe!