Recently I posted a question on the love of God and if the elect are the only ones going to heaven then how does God express His love to the non elect.
Truth be told, he doesn't....
Now, the common Determinist answer is to say that he provides for them in Earthly matters (food, shelter, prosperity etc.). and thus..."love". "The rain shines on the just and the unjust" etc.
Therefore, he "loves" them.
Of course...there are some Determinists/5-pointers/Calvinists who make no bones about it and don't claim that God loves the non-elect at all. Some, are consistent and just leave it with "he hates them, they're sinners, so what". That is what I would call a logically consistent Calvinist. The inconsistent ones make hey of him feeding them (sometimes rather poorly) for a few miserable years on Earth and call that "love".
The problem is manifest in that he chooses not to save them nor make provision for their salvation whereas he easily
could have if he so chose.
This is a follow-up on that question. First let me say I totally believe in God's election. However I also believe in free will. In other words I do not believe that He violates our will to save us. He chose and we freely accept=free will.
Here, it would be beneficial to define freedom of the will.
If you believe that man is constrained by internal necessity to always choose that which is evil, and never to accept grace, than, he isn't really free in any meaningful sense. In other words if he is not capable of choosing Christ, (due do internal deterministic factors) than, he isn't "free", he is merely not externally
coerced. But if he is incapable of choosing more than one option, than he isn't really "free" to do anything other than what his programming flawlessly and irrevocably constrains him to do.
It's a bit like being given two boxes from which the "chooser"
must select one item. In one box is a deadly scorpion, in the other is a raspberry tart. The "chooser" is required to pick an item out of ONE of the boxes, and God does not decide for external coercion anyway.
Except that the box with the scorpion has a 4-inch hole in the top that a hand can fit through, and the one with the raspberry tart has a 2mm. gap and inasmuch as the "chooser" is incapable of reaching into the box with the tart he defaults to the scorpion....
Because he isn't capable of getting at the other one anyway because he is constrained by the size of his own hand.
That being said if the bible clearly states that Christ died for the whole world, not just the elect. 1John 2:2 why do some feel that He does not love the non elect with the same mind as He loves the elect as it was the same atonement?
The buzz-phrase is that the atonement is limited in "scope" but not "power", it
COULD be efficacious for all, except
God doesn't want it to be.
So, he shrinks the hand of the "elect" down to 1mm thus rendering them capable of selecting the raspberry tart...
But, even though he is perfectly capable of doing the same for the non-elect as well, he instead stares at them vainly attempting to take an option they aren't capable of and laughs with glee as they suffer in torment.
That's why you are having a hard time understanding God's "love" for the "non-elect"....
It's because any Theologically consistent person doesn't pretend he loves them.....
Because if that Theology is correct,
he doesn't.