Friendship Evangelism is not the key.
I never said it was "the key." I simply pointed to what has been effective with atheists, in my experience. If you have had enormous numbers of converts your way, I'd certainly like to hear about that. But the Spirit works with people through a process.
I realize that you like to be at the decision point of the process, but I am happy to work anywhere along that process -- and yes, I have been present when atheists I have been working with have come to faith. I've only been present for about a half dozen moments of decision, but I hear of more. I'm not obsessive about the number because it is not my harvest.
Gods calling on the elect is the key.
Obviously, but you seem dead set against God working with people in a process - you want it to happen all at once.
Yes of coarse we need to let our lives and mouths bring forth a witness to a Christ. However without a gospel presentation how are we any different than the Mormons who also live good lives?
Who has claimed that there is no gospel presentation? Oh right, you are the only one.
I am not living a "good life" in front of them, I am living a relationship with God in front of them, which does result in steady transformation. But it is a real life, full of failures and victories. And it involves a verbal witness as well as a lived witness.
Only in your imagination is there no verbal witness.
This is why it is so hard to witness at the job.
I don't have any trouble witnessing on the job. I treat people fairly, don't gossip, invest in other people's lives to help them improve at their work and career, walk through them through the joys and sorrows of life, and not be shy about who I am or that I am a disciple of Jesus. Being a disciple of Jesus usually does involve being obnoxious. Remember, Jesus had a magnetic personality and people were drawn to Him. If we are disciples of Jesus, we can expect the same thing.
One can’t speak on Jesus, pass out tracts, or open air.
Most of us are not at work to "open air" preach or pass out literature. However, we can have conversations about Jesus at appropriate times. I often talk to people about faith issues during the lunch hour. The fact that you find it 'hard to witness at the job" tells me that you think evangelism is primarily about "doing" rather than "being." If you are truly an evangelist, you will naturally do the work of an evangelist and God will work out the circumstances for you in an appropriate way. If you are not an evangelist (that is, your character transformed in a way where you naturally share the gospel), you will find yourself figuring out clever arguments or using gimmicks in a vain attempt to be effective. God doesn't need cleverness or gimmicks to do His work.
One of the more interesting aspects of my intentional discipleship journey is that I have people coming to me to talk about Jesus. While I am intentional and responsive to the Spirit's leading to certain people, I find that I am doing a full gospel presentation with people who approach me about three times a month, on average. It is very natural and unforced, and I don't have to be clever or use gimmicks. And when I share the gospel intentionally, it is also quite natural and unforced. I simply pray for God to guide the conversation and next thing I know we are talking about Christ.