Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
That convinced me that using my own story to sell the Gospel was wrong, a topic in another thread I felt I could mention in an aside.
Skimming a book I read once just now I was able to find 2 apologetic arguments to defend the resurrection of Christ that will do nothing but get the skeptic to think.
If Christ did not raise then explain how the 4000 pound stone was moved?
If Christ did not raise and the disciples fabricated the story then why did he first appear to women? Study the culture and authority women had in the first century.
All this in just 3 pages of reading and I am sure there are tons more arguments.
Your problem is that you think a transformer life is all there is but this is not true. It is one argument in defense of the scripture and Christianity yes because the Holy Spirit is at work.
Having been an atheist, the problem here is that if you get a hook in them using their god: reason; Then you have likely failed in the end at converting them. They will love their god of reason over one of the virtues of God: faith. They may go to church every Sunday, go to small groups, and get involved in various ministries as a volunteer, as I did, but inside they are dead. They will not value simple faith in the unseen world and future.
I will pull some stuff out of my own testimony to help:
The biggest issue keeping me from salvation as a baptized man, who thought himself to be a Christian, was my love of science and reason over faith. Because I had received evidence that God exists by getting [three miracles] through two prayers, I figured I had solid proof for God’s existence, and I began to belittle faith as something bad. The truth is that I didn’t want to believe anything on faith. This was because I believed the only way to show the truth was with reason and science. A belief I kept from my atheism. I believed this despite the fact I knew that most Christians went on nearly blind faith when it came to belief in Jesus Christ and His salvation of them. I was also in willful disobedience to a bible verse I knew of, which was Hebrews 11:1. It states: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
So I warn you in your evangelism that you must get them to leave behind their old life and self as atheists and put on the new or you may have lost them regardless of a prayer or decision in the moment.