I can follow a teaching as long as the leadership is saintly.
I find that I cannot.
can say, that to me, whether or not a person is saintly is of great value...
But whether or not a teacher's teachings are in line with sound doctrine is even
more valuable.
I also recognize that we, as believers, are all walking messes were it not for His grace and mercy.
For truly,
It takes the power of the Spirit to overcome our sinful flesh and to make His Son, in us, to shine through...
And it takes the power and patience of His Spirit to teach us, despite our being dull of hearing, His every truth.
John Bunyan wrote enough books to fill three large volumes, and I never read of anything suggesting violence or hatred towards other groups.
That's part of why I admire him.
What the Lord caused him to see in the Bible, I find even more admirable;
Simply for the fact that the Lord showed great grace to him in the midst of his hardships.
As for James 3:13-18...
I agree, sir.
I hold that no one who names the name of Christ should
ever seek to war against their fellow man.
I wish you well, sir, and I take my leave of this thread.
May the Lord bless you with much wisdom and knowledge in your studies,
and may you always be reminded of His great grace towards you through the sacrifice of His Son.