It's amazing to me how low the 'Publican Party has fallen. They are engaging in economic terrorism and governing by temper tantrum. I think this may be the point where the GOP jumps the shark and ceases to be a major political factor. If the Repukes succeed in shutting down the government and causing a default on our debt, it will have major fiscal ramifications.
Let's break it down to what it really is. We have a Democratic Senate and President and a Republican House. The Republicans like to claim to have a mandate, but that is an outright lie. Democratic House candidates got over a million more votes than the 'Publicans. The only reason the GOP controls the House is because of gerrymandering. Further, if John Boehner would allow a fair up-or-down vote on the clean continuing resolution it would pass. The reason he doesn't is because of the Teabaggers. We have a Teabagger minority of one house of Congress holding a gun to the head of the American people. The GOP list of demands grows larger and larger and I commend the President and Democrats for standing up to them.
As bad as this is, it is only one example of the shortcomings in both major parties. I believe the only real solution will be the rise of a third party to clean up the mess.
You should clean up your own mess.
As to the O/P
Also, I'd like to see a link to Rush wishing America failure.
I love Bill Clinton, in the video, saying he'll be "shocked" if obamacare doesn't work.
Do you consider Clinton an unbiased source ? Wasn't Clinton, like, disbarred, y'know, for like, jury tampering, lying under oath, all in order to hide an illicit affair from the press ? Didn't a scandal called "Whitewater", like, come pretty close to making him and his wife bankrupt, not too long ago ?
What is it you hate about republicans, again ?