And you call me "irrational"? This is nothing short of just plain ignorant. First, there were no where near one million Vietnamese killed during American involvement in Vietnam -- and spare me any "body count" websites you have saying otherwise, because they are nothing short of U.S. hating propagandists who wouldn't know a fact if it bit the in the posterior. And, if you want to blame Vietnamese deaths on someone, try Ho Chi Minh. He killed far more Vietnamese people than anyone, trying to intimidate the democracy-loving south into acceptance of his "benevolent" communist rule.
As to Afghanistan and Iraq, again, terrorists killed most of the civilians, not U.S. troops. This is born out by the fact that al-Qaeda, infuriated that with the U.S. gone the Iraqi government has bowed down and kissed their Islamofacists tootsies, is still killing Iraqi civilians. All I have to do is say the name "Taliban" to explain civilian deaths in Afghanistan.
Give me a break. If you can't do anything but spout socialist nonsense, we can all save ourselves a whole lot of trouble now by simply paying no heed to anything you say henceforth. If you want to be heard, don't spout gobbledy-gook from the Marxist handbook.