Okay, so you don't have documentation to vote in this election. Well, you have 2 years to get what you need!
As far as getting to DMV, I'm sure that if you call your local Dem HQ and tell them you need help to register to vote - they probably would.
It goes a bit beyond that Salty. Yea, so many years ago when my then girlfriend, now wife, went to register in a new town she was put through a wringer. Sure, she was white, but they did not know her and were afraid she might not vote the right way. She is just a tad stubborn and stuck with them and their harassment and finally they registered her. There was a black man waiting to register. As she left she said, "Good luck. They are going to give you a bad time."
Same thing can easily happen now. Many people are intimidated easily and would have given up and left unregistered. It happened then and I bet you a Mountain Dew it still happens now in some places.