Palin Calls Self 'Frugal,' Denies Taking $150,000 in Designer Clothes
Of the $150,000 spent by the Republican National Committee on clothing for the vice presidential candidate, $50,000 worth of clothes was returned immediately after the national convention, $50,000 worth hasn't been worn yet and $50,000 is being used by the Palin clan.
Sarah Palin told FOX News on Thursday that some of the clothes that were ill-fitting or just bought to be tried and possibly worn were returned right away.
Everything that "could be returned was," she said. Another third of the clothing remains unwrapped and packed in the belly of the vice presidential candidate's campaign plane and the rest is being worn.
Republican aides say the purchases were necessary because the family was whisked out of Alaska without notice, then scattered across the country for campaign activities not least of which was a week of convention appearances.
"Those clothes are not my property," Palin told FOX News' Sean Hannity. "We had three days (at the convention) of using clothes that the RNC purchased."
Palin added that she knows how to make a dollar work for her appearance.
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