It is sad that professing Calvinists manifest such ignorance and outright unbelief in respect to the Gospel of God. Many be they which glory in 5 point Calvinism and claim it is the Gospel. But how pathetic that the same deny such a core doctrine of the Gospel of Christ as justification before God Almighty by Christ’s perfect righteousness alone. Those who boast in their own faith or act of faith as contributing to their alleged justification before God are ignorant of God’s righteousness and are going about to establish a righteousness of their own, Romans 10:3. They have not submitted themselves unto God’s righteousness, or as it literally says that such ”were not submitted” (aorist passive indicative) to the righteousness of God. No man is able to submit himself unto the righteousness of God, but God graciously and sovereignly submits his very own sheep unto the same, i.e. Christ’s righteousness, upon Gospel conversion in power and in Holy Spirit. God’s sheep were justified freely almost 2000 years ago, and that solely in and by Lord Christ Jesus and His perfect righteousness. Upon their irresistible conversion through the Gospel of grace in the Spirit’s power they are submitted to God’s righteousness, even the righteousness of Christ their blessed Redeemer, and all boasting is excluded (Romans 3:27) by a principle of faith. One who boasts in his supposed faith or act of faith as making a difference between justified or unjustified has not had his boasting excluded, and that is the same as to not have been submitted to God’s righteousness, and such an one has manifestly not the said principle of faith. The doctrine of Luther and others called Sola Fide is nothing but antinomianism, for it does not establish law (3:31). But the scriptural doctrine of free justification by Christ’s blood and obedience alone, this fully honors God in His redemptive character as a just God and a merciful Saviour, and establishes law, makes it honorable. He who boasts in his supposed faith as contributing to his alleged justification has faith in his own faith. Such an one’s glory is his shame and his god is his belly. One who has been submitted to the righteousness of God in Christ has had all carnal boasting excluded, and his glorying is in the LORD, even in Christ Jesus, God’s Messias, and Him crucified. Such an one has God-wrought faith by God’s grace, which is an emptying and boast-excluding grace implanted in the Spirit’s quickening and drawn into fruitful exercise upon the arrival of the revelation of God’s righteousness, which is from faith unto faith (Rom. 1:17).
Someone said that the Bible expressly teaches justification by ”faith IN Jesus Christ”, and that the KJV is in error as compared to modern versions. No, the KJV is right when is says ”faith OF Christ”. Both in Rom. 3:22 and Gal. 2:16 the Greek says ”pisteôs Iêsoû Christoû” which correctly and literally rendered reads ”faithfulness (or, faith) OF Jesus Christ”. Both Iêsoû and Christoû are in the genitive. If the Greek construction had been with ”eis” plus accusative of Jesus Christ it might read ”IN Jesus Christ”. But the Spirit of inspiration inspired Paul to say ”pisteôs Iêsoû Christoû”, because this is the truth, that God’s righteousness is by Jesus Christ’s faithfulness, even His perfect voluntary obedience unto death, even the death of the cross (Phil. 2:8, Rom. 5:19). Of new versions the NET-Bible correctly renders ”faithfulness OF Jesus Christ”. Also in Rom. 3:26 is the like construction, i.e. ”pisteôs Iêsoû” – ”faithfulness (or, faith) OF Jesus”. Most versions, KJV included, wrongly render this as ”believeth in Jesus”, when it is clear the Greek construction does not call for such a translation. The last clause of 3:26 says ”dikaioûnta ton ek pisteôs Iêsoûs” – ”justifying the one (or, ”him”; masc.) of faithfulness (or, ”faith”) of Jesus”. Just because the translators did not understand the theological meaning of this difficult clause does not give them the right to guess what it means and render erroneously. The translators of the KJV were in the main Protestant pedobaptists who held to Sola Fide as Luther, believing in ”justification by (an act of) faith alone”. This may explain why they so inconsistently rendered the genitive construction ”pisteôs Iêsoû”/”pisteôs Iêsoû Christoû” either as ”faith OF…” or ”believeth IN …”. Luther more erroneously renders all three examples as ”faith IN…” or ”believeth IN…” respectively. These are not things difficult to see, except one has an evil heart of unbelief. It is not without warrant that the apostles warned of mockers and false prophets and antichrists, who ”doth not (biblically) confess Jesus Christ having come in flesh” (1John 4:3). Is it not high time to take forth the precious from the vile. If justification before God the righteous Judge is by an act of subjective faith in Christ as most professors believe then Christ died in vain and righteousness is by creature efforts. Some may accuse me of being unloving and mean and hard, but the word of God says such an one is all these things who denies the Son of God, denies the record God gave of His Son Jesus Christ the Righteous. May God the Lord mercifully bless someone to see the truth as it is in Jesus. Amen.