rbell said:
could argue that is the deacon's job to assist in service in ministry (not promoting unity
per se, but that's another thread). You absolutely can make the similarity...in this way: There is a Christian way to deal with extra-biblical issues (and hymns vs. CCM is an
extra-biblical issue, with regards to style of music played. Theological correctness of lyrics, standards for those leading the church, etc., should have the same standards applied either way you go), and there is an un-Christian way. Any church leadership who "beat their congregation over the head" with a CCM direction is not leading in a Christlike manner. Our church offers multiple services--one contemporary service, and one traditional. Out of the near one thousand that come, we have not had the wars and divisions often described. Why?
- I truly believe our church leadership has a servant attitude. That goes a long way.
- This was prayed over thoroughly.
- God is being honored in both services.
- We do both service styles with excellence. Many churches throw all their resources into one service, and the other is an afterthought. Here...we aim to give God our very best in both formats.
Yes, that is a deacons job, but our church constitution also states very plainly that they
are to promote the unity and spirit of our church.
Well, at one time, the service you enjoy was a "contemporary service." Research the objections to the piano, the organ, and polyphonic singing offered by critics of the time. Thing is, I still love and enjoy traditional stuff, and enjoy it being a part of my worship, and a part of my church life.
At one time it was, but that is not a valid argument here. You should not use any melodies that chase after worldly secular music, sure the piano or organ wasn't around back then, but the guitar was. Oh yes, nobody really knows how far back the fretted instrument goes, because it has been traced back to many centuries B. C.
Mighty broad brush there. So...it's not possible for a traditionalist to have the same problems as a "contemporalist?" (Dont'cha love invented words? :laugh: )
I guess a traditionalist could have that problem, but they would then be an extremist. Something I am not, I think it's well documented and proven that CCM will split churches just to please the few that fight so hard to have it.
"worship pastor" is an extra-biblical term. But you're reading more into it than there is. I totally agree with you about the centrality of the Word in the service, no matter the format. Can't speak for everyone, but at my church, that still stands.
Absolutely, we have Gods word for a reason, it's our guide to life, we are to follow it. There is a problem here in Missouri with certain groups splitting from the Missouri Baptist Convention because they don't agree and do not ascribe to SBC 2000, and for that reason, many of them are taking the word of God out of context completely.
So, now a projector is worldly? Believe it or not, I agree that it's a shame fewer people read music. But this isn't because of the projector. Society has changed. I could argue that because their noses aren't down in the books, that the singing is better. At our church, we have hymnals and a projector for our traditional service. I hope that's not offensive.
No, the projector is no more worldly than computers or anything like that, but it is completely un-necessary. I still don't know what is wrong with picking up the hymnal and singing from it.
BTW, the "Mind-numbed robots" comment is offensive. You do not know the heart of someone who is worshipping God.
I'm sorry if that offended you, it was not intended to be offensive, I believe it is very easy to know the heart of someone who is "worshiping" God. You can tell by their actions in everyday life exactly where their heart is. Now it's true we ALL sin, some of us more than others, but I believe you can also tell those who are repentant of their sin as well.
No, you can't...unless you don't know a great number of modern Christian songs.
Okay, I'll give you an example. here recently I heard an abomination of Amazing Grace. It was going very good until a part in the chorus where un-necessary words were added. That sickens me, to think Amazing Grace is not good enough to stand on it's own? I can see that rooting back to modern secular music, I can see it plain as day, I'm not sure why anyone else can't see that, it's pretty obvious.
Sorry for your loss, but this has nothing to do with what style of music is played in church. This has to do with your friend's bad choices.
It was meant to illustrate the lifestyle that comes along with CCM. A lifestyle that parrots secular music lifestyles, with sexual immoralities, and people who dress immodestly, temptation around every turn, I see the commercials advertising CCM and they sicken me. With my experience in Music, I can see the secular roots bleeding into what they're selling. That is completely inappropriate for use in worship. Now, granted, what we see advertised on T.V. is not what we have in our churches (I hope) but I can't tell much difference in it.
Um, that Scripture doesn't address CCM, and it doesn't address a link you've invented between music played in church and how someone dresses. We, at my church, do expect our folks to dress in a God-honoring way.....someone visits us for the first time? We're letting 'em in...because they need to hear about Jesus. If they "belong" to us, we'll address inappropriate dress issues.
It most certainly does address CCM. Because a lot of us are offended by it.
But anyway, the Scripture you quoted could just as easily, using your interpretation, be turned around against the traditional bunch. But I think your interpretation is flawed, so I don't buy either direction.
How can it be turned around on the traditionalists? By saying that traditional hymns are offensive? Good luck making an argument for that.
All I'm trying to say is I am standing up for what I feel in my heart is right. God speaks to my heart, and with Him, I am strong. I will not be persuaded, I will not be changed until God feels the need to change my heart. I don't care if I'm the only person on earth with this view (I'm not) only God will change my mind, and until he does, I will remain as stubborn as I have been on this.
Understand I don't hate those who enjoy CCM. I love you all, but you need to understand, no argument you can bring will sway me, I am who I am, God uses that, I'm used to going against the grain, and God teaches us in His word that as Christians, the mere profession of our faith makes us rebellious against the world, and that is exactly the way I see my argument here, I will rebel against the world all the days of my life. Nobody ever said following Christ was easy, We may have to agree to disagree on this, and go on. I hold my views very close to my heart, I have other views that I can imagine you being completely on board with, such as our need to evangelize the lost (especially the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormon's) and there are ways to do that, ways that until recently I didn't even think about.
Let's face it, as I have said earlier, it would appear that we are at an impasse.