Do Americans living in the UK and mainland Europe think the gun laws and socialised medicine are problematic having experienced them first hand?
I have an acquaintance, shall we say, who is in the Army. My brother-in-law’s father was in the Falklands, as was an ex-girlfriend’s father. Apart from those three exceptions, neither I nor anyone I know has ever seen a gun used in anger. Isn’t that disgusting?!
Do you know, we’ve only ever had three mass shootings in our entire history as a nation? And only one of those was in a school! I mean, compared to you we’ve been around for ages!
And to top it off, after every single one, we tightened up the gun laws. After the school shooting, we also tightened up procedures regarding police departments sharing intelligence. Not like your government, who see vast numbers of their citizens die and obstinately refuse to do anything about it. Now when a government refuses to intervene, even to save their citizen’s lives, that’s freedom!
In 2016, we only had 26 people killed by guns in the UK. 26! And only 16 of those were murders! You had 11,004 murders over the same period! We’re just not trying hard enough.
I mean, our police don’t even carry guns! Apparently “there’s no need to”, because practically none of the criminals have them. Do you know, only 44 people have been killed by UK police since 2000? And that’s not even just the ones they killed on purpose! It includes accidents, which just seems like cheating to me. Look, here’s a list!
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
And the healthcare! Everyone I know, when they get sick, just pitch up at their GP’s and get an appointment for free. And then the GP prescribes them stuff for almost nothing, or refers them to a specialist for free! Free! Bloody layabouts!
You know, now I think about it, not a single person I know has ever gone bankrupt after getting sick. My mum had breast cancer- do you have any idea how expensive radiotherapy is? And then a five year course of pills, and supplements to stop those pills giving her osteoporosis, and that leech got it all for free!
I have an acquaintance, shall we say, who is in the Army. My brother-in-law’s father was in the Falklands, as was an ex-girlfriend’s father. Apart from those three exceptions, neither I nor anyone I know has ever seen a gun used in anger. Isn’t that disgusting?!
Do you know, we’ve only ever had three mass shootings in our entire history as a nation? And only one of those was in a school! I mean, compared to you we’ve been around for ages!
And to top it off, after every single one, we tightened up the gun laws. After the school shooting, we also tightened up procedures regarding police departments sharing intelligence. Not like your government, who see vast numbers of their citizens die and obstinately refuse to do anything about it. Now when a government refuses to intervene, even to save their citizen’s lives, that’s freedom!
In 2016, we only had 26 people killed by guns in the UK. 26! And only 16 of those were murders! You had 11,004 murders over the same period! We’re just not trying hard enough.
I mean, our police don’t even carry guns! Apparently “there’s no need to”, because practically none of the criminals have them. Do you know, only 44 people have been killed by UK police since 2000? And that’s not even just the ones they killed on purpose! It includes accidents, which just seems like cheating to me. Look, here’s a list!
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
And the healthcare! Everyone I know, when they get sick, just pitch up at their GP’s and get an appointment for free. And then the GP prescribes them stuff for almost nothing, or refers them to a specialist for free! Free! Bloody layabouts!
You know, now I think about it, not a single person I know has ever gone bankrupt after getting sick. My mum had breast cancer- do you have any idea how expensive radiotherapy is? And then a five year course of pills, and supplements to stop those pills giving her osteoporosis, and that leech got it all for free!