Years ago, and I am talking maybe forty years ago; I attended a conference on social values, mores and coming anarchy!
Well, the speaker was spot on with everything he shared. It's just taken longer than he suggested, and if he's still alive, I am sure he is excited to see things like the political correctness values firmly in place. I'm sure he is ecstatic that tolerance and diversity are moving as if nothing else ever existed in America.
I amsure is relishing in his prediction that hom0se/uals now can marry, adopt children and serve openly in the military!
And I am sure he can see the day that the right to own guns is coming to an end!
Regarding all the above, let me say, he dreaded the day of political correctness, tolerance, diversity, and normalization of hom0se/uals as much as he feared the day he'd have to give up his guns! You see; hemay be excited that these things all came to pass, but he speaking against them and warning those in the conference of the coming of the anti-Christ and things to look for that would precede the one world government.
Now for the guns .... it was his feeling that the use of guns in America would get so out of hand with mass killings in schools, malls, place of business, in the homes of our once peaceful neighborhoods, sporting events, amusement parks and at political rallies, that the majority of Americans would beg the government to adopt legislation to remove, and end, gun ownership!
I fear that this day is closer to being the truth than ever before. With each mass killing, the voice of the people grows louder, and while those who say you will only get my gun from my dead clenched hand, the police, Homeland Security and military have been training and adding the equipment needed to make such a federal operation work, even against the massive protests that will surely take place.
But once they take the guns from homes across America, we will be in line with Europe and other countries, that do not allow private ownership of guns, and that will mean a government takeover of the countries around the world will be easier than ever before, and any resistance will come down to throwing rocks at the military, or hitting them with sticks we find on the ground.
As I watched the uprisings in Eygpt, and recently in the Ukraine, it was evident that gun control put the odds in the favor of the police and military, and out of the hands of the people. ask any German and they will tell you that Hitler imposed gun control, and the rise of the Third Reich was easily put in place!
So when the feds do decide to listen to people who want the NRA out of the way, and guns no longer allowed in our homes ... any uprising will be quickly put down, and we will see [should the Lord tarry] the beginning of the end as the Bible speaks of!
I see it coming ... and I don't care what you say or think! The cries of the people of those innocently gunned down across this country are growing louder, and I believe the feds have wanted this to happen, as it would make abolishing the Second Amendment that much easier and that more popular! If it were to go before the people for a vote [today], it may be close, but like hom0se/ual marriage, the tide of the people is slowly, but surely changing. It will surely happen! And it will happen because it is becoming the will of the people!
And the sad thing is, with each killing, I am even swayed to believe that things will be more peaceful without a gun in every home; even though I know the black market will still bring guns in. But after they take away our guns, only to lawbreakers, which is who are doing the killing now, will find a way to get their hands on one.
I predict the nation will regret abolishing the Second Amendment, but it will be too late after it is done. Sort of like Obamcare! The latest poll shows that 48% don't like Obamacare, oppsed to 24% who like it! Numbers havd dwindled in support of Obamacare, but its here to stay, in one form or another! So will gun control! And it is surely coming; as much as the Lord is coming too!
Well, the speaker was spot on with everything he shared. It's just taken longer than he suggested, and if he's still alive, I am sure he is excited to see things like the political correctness values firmly in place. I'm sure he is ecstatic that tolerance and diversity are moving as if nothing else ever existed in America.
I amsure is relishing in his prediction that hom0se/uals now can marry, adopt children and serve openly in the military!
And I am sure he can see the day that the right to own guns is coming to an end!
Regarding all the above, let me say, he dreaded the day of political correctness, tolerance, diversity, and normalization of hom0se/uals as much as he feared the day he'd have to give up his guns! You see; hemay be excited that these things all came to pass, but he speaking against them and warning those in the conference of the coming of the anti-Christ and things to look for that would precede the one world government.
Now for the guns .... it was his feeling that the use of guns in America would get so out of hand with mass killings in schools, malls, place of business, in the homes of our once peaceful neighborhoods, sporting events, amusement parks and at political rallies, that the majority of Americans would beg the government to adopt legislation to remove, and end, gun ownership!
I fear that this day is closer to being the truth than ever before. With each mass killing, the voice of the people grows louder, and while those who say you will only get my gun from my dead clenched hand, the police, Homeland Security and military have been training and adding the equipment needed to make such a federal operation work, even against the massive protests that will surely take place.
But once they take the guns from homes across America, we will be in line with Europe and other countries, that do not allow private ownership of guns, and that will mean a government takeover of the countries around the world will be easier than ever before, and any resistance will come down to throwing rocks at the military, or hitting them with sticks we find on the ground.
As I watched the uprisings in Eygpt, and recently in the Ukraine, it was evident that gun control put the odds in the favor of the police and military, and out of the hands of the people. ask any German and they will tell you that Hitler imposed gun control, and the rise of the Third Reich was easily put in place!
So when the feds do decide to listen to people who want the NRA out of the way, and guns no longer allowed in our homes ... any uprising will be quickly put down, and we will see [should the Lord tarry] the beginning of the end as the Bible speaks of!
I see it coming ... and I don't care what you say or think! The cries of the people of those innocently gunned down across this country are growing louder, and I believe the feds have wanted this to happen, as it would make abolishing the Second Amendment that much easier and that more popular! If it were to go before the people for a vote [today], it may be close, but like hom0se/ual marriage, the tide of the people is slowly, but surely changing. It will surely happen! And it will happen because it is becoming the will of the people!
And the sad thing is, with each killing, I am even swayed to believe that things will be more peaceful without a gun in every home; even though I know the black market will still bring guns in. But after they take away our guns, only to lawbreakers, which is who are doing the killing now, will find a way to get their hands on one.
I predict the nation will regret abolishing the Second Amendment, but it will be too late after it is done. Sort of like Obamcare! The latest poll shows that 48% don't like Obamacare, oppsed to 24% who like it! Numbers havd dwindled in support of Obamacare, but its here to stay, in one form or another! So will gun control! And it is surely coming; as much as the Lord is coming too!