Knives, Not Guns, Have Been Weapon of Choice
in Campus Crimes, Study Finds
Text: ...
the most commonly used weapon in more
than 558,000 campus-related crimes over
the five-year span (2000-2004) was a knife -- not counting
fists and feet, which accounted for most of the incidents.
Almost 11,000 incidents included a blade,
and more than 3,400 included a firearm.
Looks like 3 cases with knives for every
1 case with a firearm
Looks like 40 cases of no weapons for
ever case with a weapon.
Ed notes that when he went to University
on starting week there was an armed guard
in the book store supervising the crimes
being committed by the University against
their students. Books cost an average of
$12 each back then (once I bought a book
for $40 /two 3-hour classes/ and liked
to have fainted. I gave my children lots
of money and didn't ask what books cost
/my 25-year old still lacks 9-12 hours or maybe
42 hours unless only 6 -- that is what he
said, approximately/. University books are
cheaper than firearms.
(said for humor's sake not for validity's sake)
I fulfill my AMERICAN right to BEAR ARMS by having
the stuffed upper part of a bear over
my mantle: includes the gunshot head and the
BEAR ARMS. As can be seen by the unfixable
gunshot pattern - I obviously pulled the trigger
while I was fainting