Quoting the Guardian concerning Johnson's Brexit video -
"He did so because he didn’t dare show his face – not even to go on TV – and take ownership of a Brexit that has been hewn in his own image. Shambolic and a bit clueless. Because deep down Boris has never really been a true believer.
Brexit was an ill-fitting carapace he had worn to get into power. He’d never really thought anyone would believe the lies he’d told. It was a game that had suddenly become all too real. The fun had stopped but he couldn’t. Now he was expected to take responsibility for what he had done, he just wanted to hide. The mask of denial and self-deception had momentarily slipped and the Supreme Showman was too ashamed to be seen.
The handheld hostage video opens with a shot of the No 10 front door, which is as close to reassurance and gravitas as we get. Then we cut to the figure of Boris holed up in a cupboard – hey, at least
it wasn’t a fridge this time – looking more of a slob than usual. Hair all over the place, eyes a bit bloodshot and a suit that had been thrown on at the last minute. It may have been possible to make less of an effort for one of the most important speeches of his career, but only if he had been sprawled on a wine-stained sofa."
Johnson's 3 minute speech to end nearly 50 years of cooperation with Europe.