Wise counsel for those who think they've arrived:
Charles Spurgeon, "The Necessity of Increased Faith":
"Some of you, my hearers, and a great many that are not my hearers are miserable little cramped souls—you have learned a cast-iron creed and you will never move out of it. A certain somebody drew up five or six doctrines and said, 'There are the doctrines of the Bible,' and you believe these."
"I am sure I may pray to the Lord for them—'Increase their faith!' Help them to believe a little more. Help them to believe there may be Christian Wesleyans—that there are good church people, and not only that Particular Baptists are very good sort of people, but that there are some of God’s elect everywhere. I am sure I pray for all bigots, that they may have a little wider heart. I should like to stretch their hearts a little. But, no, they have reached the ultima thule, they have come to the last of the fortunate islands, there cannot be any shore beyond."
"perhaps Calvin is made the standard and what business has any man to think a single thought beyond Calvin? Blessed be God, we have gone a little beyond that. And we can say, 'Increase our faith.' With all our admiration for these great standard divines, we are not prepared to shut ourselves up in their little iron cages. We say, 'Open the door and let me fly—let me still feel that I am at liberty. Increase my faith and help me to believe a little more.'"
"I know I can say I have had an increase of faith in one or two respects within the last few months. I could not, for a long time, see anything like the Millennium in the Scriptures. I could not much rejoice in the second coming of Christ, though I did believe it. But gradually my faith began to open to that subject and I find it now a part of my meat and drink, to be looking for, as well as hastening unto, the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!"
Charles Spurgeon, "The Necessity of Increased Faith":
"Some of you, my hearers, and a great many that are not my hearers are miserable little cramped souls—you have learned a cast-iron creed and you will never move out of it. A certain somebody drew up five or six doctrines and said, 'There are the doctrines of the Bible,' and you believe these."
"I am sure I may pray to the Lord for them—'Increase their faith!' Help them to believe a little more. Help them to believe there may be Christian Wesleyans—that there are good church people, and not only that Particular Baptists are very good sort of people, but that there are some of God’s elect everywhere. I am sure I pray for all bigots, that they may have a little wider heart. I should like to stretch their hearts a little. But, no, they have reached the ultima thule, they have come to the last of the fortunate islands, there cannot be any shore beyond."
"perhaps Calvin is made the standard and what business has any man to think a single thought beyond Calvin? Blessed be God, we have gone a little beyond that. And we can say, 'Increase our faith.' With all our admiration for these great standard divines, we are not prepared to shut ourselves up in their little iron cages. We say, 'Open the door and let me fly—let me still feel that I am at liberty. Increase my faith and help me to believe a little more.'"
"I know I can say I have had an increase of faith in one or two respects within the last few months. I could not, for a long time, see anything like the Millennium in the Scriptures. I could not much rejoice in the second coming of Christ, though I did believe it. But gradually my faith began to open to that subject and I find it now a part of my meat and drink, to be looking for, as well as hastening unto, the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!"