What points do you disagree with? I do not see where he has made any error in application of Scripture.
We must keep in mind that The Early Church met in defiance of govt authority. The underground Church today meets in defiance of govt authority.
There is nothing pandemic about this "pandemic "
I know political theology a bit from my seminary days as a moderate Baptist.
I'll set the stage a little, Reformed hold to the belief that human civilization is built up of autonomous "spheres" of community that should not be messed with by other "spheres" due to their sovereignty in the divine order. This is what MacArthur is using as his justification because the "sphere of the church" cannot be told what to do by any other sphere.
Now this system breaks down in practice historically. OK, church discipline of a father in his family who beats his wife, is that the church's business to administer church discipline while also calling the cops on the father? I kid you not, I have heard arguments against such due to the "sovereignty of the family unit." That was on a message board IIRC.
Now, I need to be very careful, I am not saying you always have people doing the wrong thing with this Reformed political theology. What I am saying is that real life is more complicated than the basic gloss of the Reformed system of differing spheres of community inside civilization.
As contrast, is the Lutheran system. The system of two kingdoms and two governments. It is very Augustinian. You have the kingdom of the world in nation states and the kingdom of God in the church. These kingdoms have two governments, one ruled by clergy, the other by politicians and military leaders. The government is to help the church and the church is to help the government, but the distinction of clergy and politicians is never to be violated. Still politicians and clergy work in tandem to create a Christian civilization with the two governments assisting one another. That is my memory for now, I could find a really good book on Luther's theology of the two kingdoms quickly if need be.
That explained, I do not view MacArthur's views as the only Christian way of interpreting the family, church, and the government. Scripture itself does not explain political theology in any great detail. I am a man of simplicity on this subject, and I hold to Romans 13 with the exception of disobedience to the state telling me to sin directly. So, hence, why I started this thread.
Now, maybe I shouldn't say many Brethren disagree with MacArthur, but in practice they do. I also do not see MacArthur as having a compelling argument to disobey the government when he could do outdoor services and small groups on zoom. That is because, to me, the meat of MacArthur's argument is at the end of his theological work I linked.
That the state is being foolish to require so many abide by their rules to save so few. That was never going to do anything but anger me to no end, because I have an elderly mother who recently made it through Coronavirus alive, thank and praise God! My church prayed on it for weeks! If MacArthur is, well, nasty enough to think people like my mom can be a statistic I have nothing to do with the man's stance. That is except that his conscience would be violated, due to the nature of his theology, so I would allow him to meet, personally.