That would depend on how one wants to view what is really "sovereign?"
Some think sovereignty must mean having complete and utter control of every thought, desire, action, movement, event, will etc. This view has God needing to play both sides of the chess board to guarantee victory. He has to be the General of both armies, to make sure the right one wins. Some don't find this view all that "powerful" or "sovereign." In fact, IMO, it makes Him appear a bit weak and a kid in the sandbox with his army men.
On the other hand, some understand sovereignty as depicted in the scriptures, where God is working out all things for His good and ultimate purposes DESPITE the rule of the evil one over this fallen world. This view has God genuinely overpowering his opponents and winning because He is God while his opponent is a mere creature. This view doesn't place the source of the evil will of creatures in the same place as the source of God's good will.
How about the biblicasl view on this that God remains fully in control of all things, and that its His choice in how much "freedom" that He decides to grant unto his created beings?
That He either directly causes what happens, or else that He permits what others have decided to do, but that in all things He works it out according to His good will and pleasure!