The Bible tells us to accept the messages God gives to His prophets for the church (see 1Thess 5:19-20, Isaiah 8) and to "desire earnestly spiritual gifts especially that you may prophesy" 1Cor 14:1.
But God also tells us to "test the spirits" and to discern between true prophets and false prophets (1Johh 4:1-3). Notice that God does not say "the test is - the prophet has to be named the Apostle John" when giving this message to John in 1John 4:1 - as so many have imagined the test to be.
In 1John 4 a test - is that they have to teach and promote the fact that Jesus is the Son of God who came in the flesh in the incarnation.
In Isaiah 8:20 the test is that the prophet's message claimed to be from God must also be judged by and tested by the doctrines as stated in the Bible itself. (This is why I find it pointless to discuss the subject of a true or false prophet with someone before first discussing the subject of basic Bible doctrines.)
And another example is that the message must be found to be accurate and true in terms of events, past, present, future as it is claimed that God is making the statement - God is giving the message to a prophet.
Just a few examples of this can be found here -
However I do not claim that proven predictions alone make one a valid prophet - the Bible test of Isaiah 8:20 is key.
(Since a number of quotes and predictions at that link involve health -- it is Interesting that the Journal of the American Medical Assoc came out with this study related to health and Seventh-day Adventists --
In all of these areas I test the messages that I read from Ellen White in the cases where she claims the message comes from God - and so far - I have found them to be accurate and approved by the Bible test.
I do not find that to be the case with Joseph Smith or with Methodists like Oral Roberts or Kenneth Copeland.
So then we had that long list of prediction and then there was that WSJ article reporting on the "results" of those predictions in the health study done as reported in the Journal of the AMA this year.
And as far as doctrine goes - there is always the fact that she agrees with the Bible on the subject of the origin of the Sabbath - right where the Baptist Confession of Faith - ALSO agrees is the Bible origin for Sabbath -- and yet you differ.
Shall we dig into that one --- more?
I think you would agree that her view that the Bible origin for the 4th Commandment as given to all mankind - in Eden - is in perfect agreement with the Bible and the Baptist Confession of Faith - 1689 - -but you choose to differ.
Even so - I think even you would admit that I would not be so obligated to oppose both the Bible and the Baptist Confession of Faith - and the message God gave Ellen White - on that subject of the origin of the 4th Commandment in Genesis 2:3.
Thus we have one clear point of testing that even you would be hard pressed to ignore.
Originally Posted by
Ellen White FAILS on this test...
until we actually "look" at the details above - that you are so carefully avoiding.
Are we simply not supposed to notice that lack of substance in your response?
You expect all the unbiased objective readers not to "notice"??
Come on - be serious for a second.
No need for me to list out Ellen White's countless ...
I am not claiming that you must pay attention to the details.
Just if you want to be taken seriously.
Recall that you are the one who insisted that this evidence be presented. The fact that you have no answer is not my fault.
in Christ,