Brother, a post such as this is past your character, so why did you state it this way?
Because that is my honest perception of their motives to be honest with you... I answer you because I perceive you to have the best and most Christ-like and honest of motives...Know what? honestly, one of the main reasons is because I simply
LOATHE the way he treated your sister on the threads about "Church Discipline"...His views on that
reeked IMO of sheer self-righteousness and judgmentalism...that's why. This is (of course my own opinion).
My response was scathing perhaps, and might have been worded differently, but truth be told, I stand by the general thrust of it.
I think this is self-righteous smugness and little more.
I defend this by citing "brother Jeff's" capacity to deal positively with withering criticism (Note how he will respond with venom and going on a personal attack):
I thank him for his expert Psychoanalysis
This faceless forum allows you to spew vitriol without showing face I seriously doubt that if we were face to face you would have said what you did.
I would have....I may have been scathing in my style and I might have worded my response more appropriately, but it WASN'T
HOW I said it which spins him into uncontrolled and hateful's honestly, the
CONTENT of what I said which so offends him. It bit right to the bone.
You are are not part of the solution you are part of the problem on BB. You are not taking a stand against hatred you are spreading it.
I might have suggested that no man who takes himself seriously takes "stands" against "hatred"...How is that a "STAND"....does it take moral courage to take a "STAND" against "HATE"...sure, it's as morally courageous as taking a "STAND" against racism or child-molestation. I suggested that as much with my initial reply. I just stated it differently.
If quoting scripture is taking the moral hardline then yes I take that stand.
Here....he assumes for himself the moral "high-ground" (claims it and plants his flag un-abashedly)
He re-assures the entire audience that he is morally superior to the bulk of posters (or at least many of them here on BB) Someone challenged that notion...That could NOT remain un-answered.

I might have been more tactful...but, the thrust of what I said, I stand by to be honest with you.
I know Brother Jeff personally, haved talked with him on the phone, and also heard him preach(and did a good job, btw). Let me tell you, there's not a more humble, God-honoring, God-fearing, God-exhalting CHRISTian that I know of than him. He was addressing the rampant problem that has been spreading like wildfire on here, and there's been none of the "higher-ups", who have "stepped up" to squash it.
Know what? I simply beg to differ.
If one is SO very "humble" as you say, than something as (perhaps scathing or harsh) will roll off one's back...but no such luck with your friend here:
A truly "humble" person would NOT have responded with such defensiveness...don't worry, he'll double-down in a second, I'll show you:
A poster merely throws out an un-informed absurd and accusatory random accusation of "drunkenness", and O.U.B. pounces on it immediately like (I'd say a "fat-kid on cake"...but as it would be "hateful" to talk like that on B.
B. I'll say "White on rice") is his humble response to that false and absurd accusation:
I think you have something there!!
Yes...that is
Mr. Humble immediately jumping at the chance to accuse anyone who
DARES to call him on what they believe to be self-righteousness and bloated self-importance of being a drunk...with no evidence of any kind whatsoever...
In my honest opinion...a less "hateful" or more humble man would never have responded as he did.
So, I call him on it. That's my answer....Your witness.