"John Bunyan says that one Sunday when he was playing the game of tip-cat on Elstow Green, as he was about to strike the cat with the stick, he seemed to hear a voice saying to him, 'Will you leave your sins and go to Heaven, or will you keep your sins and go to Hell?' This morning the voice from Heaven sounds forth this question—Will you trust in Christ and go to Heaven, or will you keep apart from Him and go to Hell?—for there you must go unless Jesus becomes your Mediator and your atoning Sacrifice. Will you have Christ or not? I hear you say, 'But'—O that I could thrust your 'buts' aside! Will you have Christ or not? 'Oh, but'—No, your 'buts' ought to be thrown into limbo, for I fear they will be your ruin. Will you trust Christ or not? If your answer is, 'I trust Him with all my heart,' then you are saved! I say not you shall be saved, but you are saved! 'He that believes in Him has everlasting life.'" —Charles Spurgeon "Putting the Hand Upon the Head of the Sacrifice"