You didn't' address it. You keep saying things I've already addressed. You obviously just want to make this personal. good bye. Re-read post 90. The passage is about headship. You keep making Paul change the subject from headship to a fashion statement about what women should wear. Women cover their heads as a sign of headship. Whether you believe it should be done today or not is irrelevant to why the women should cover their head. i laid this out in post 90. Just saying I'm wrong won't cut it. Look at a commentary of someone you trust. I could understand you advocating that head coverings should still be done today, but not how you could deny that the reason was because of headship.
I certainly don't deny it. Paul spends seven verses on it. It perhaps is the most important reason why a woman should wear a head covering. Thus the question remains: Even after seven verses, why do women not wear head coverings today, when Paul commanded it in 1Cor.11:1-7 as a sign of headship. All too often we see the women "wearing the pants in the family," for want of a better expression.
Paul was very forceful in this passage. If a woman was not willing to wear a head covering than she should be shaven. This was not a light thing. It was a command. And it was a command that came with a consequence for those that disobeyed.
In the same way, it was a shame for a man to have his head covered. When I was young I was taught to take my hat off, not only in church, but in all public buildings. It was just the proper thing to do.
I mentioned propriety for verse 13. Here is what the WEB says:
1 Corinthians 11:13 Judge for yourselves. Is it appropriate that a woman pray to God unveiled?
--What is Paul saying? It is inappropriate for a woman to pray with her head uncovered, and today 80% of the world's Christians still do pray with their heads covered. As a missionary that travels to other nations, I see Christians in other nations in the East and mid-East, nations that are densely populated that would never even think of entering a church with their head uncovered. It would be very inappropriate for them to do so.
This has nothing to do with headship. This has to do with those things which are proper and right to do.
1 Corinthians 11:14 Doesn't even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him?
--The order of nature. Nature does not teach about headship. But it often teaches about hair. In most cultures you go to, the male will have short hair and the female long hair. That is natural. That is the way it is throughout the world. Nature teaches us this.
1 Corinthians 11:16 But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.
--This is Paul's strongest argument. (I have not gone through all the arguments). If any man seem to be contentious (about the teaching concerning wearing a head covering) we have no such custom (being contentious). Neither do the churches of God have any custom or practice of being contentious. IOW, if you are going to be contentious about this issue of wearing a head covering don't come here until your heart is right with God.
Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
--Paul was very hard on them that were contentious. He pleaded for unity in the local church. Those that caused contention and division were to be avoided. The churches of God do not have this custom of being contentious. They were to agree with the doctrine of wearing a head covering. All the churches were united on this.