Well excuse me brethren in almost all the twenty years I've been on here, this is the first time I recall I've ever been here... Been in the church for over sixty years, not a minister but been around and know a lot about them... So here goes
A preacher friend of mine, been preaching since the age of sixteen... Now pushing eighty, tells how when him and his wife were married, him being a young man and having two young daughters... His wife went to the doctor for a routine appointment, after a full examination they told her... Go home and get your house in order, you are going to die... Cancer had ravaged her whole body and there was no hope... How could I raise two young daughters alone he asked the Lord?... There was nothing I could do but pray and those around me prayed and hope the Lord would be merciful and not take my wife and their mother... When later she went in for another doctor visit, the cancer was no where to be found... A miraculous healing and she is alive now.
I was married to my Christian wife for 30 years... Four years before that she was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer, so they operated and took both kidneys, within the four year span I watched her die... She left me and our two grown children... But I do believe the Lord healed her?... What better healing is this?... And I know she is!
2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
A year after my first wifes passing I met another Christian lady and we now have been married for 16 years... Six to seven years ago, she went in for her annual mammogram and they discovered a lump in her breast... It was cancer but it hadn't spread but it was aggressive... She went through surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy and she has been a cancer survivor ever since... Why God took my first one and spared her, we don't know, that is Gods business and none of mine... We both thank him for it everyday... She is now the head of the Cancer, Care and Compassion Ministry at our church, which she started and her group helps ALL those who are going through it... Weather you belong to our church or not or even go to church... She has a mission to pay it forward and she is on fire!... She even helped the wife of someone on our board, talk to Steve or as he is better known as Earth, Wind and Fire... DOES GOD HEAL?... In more ways than you an ever imagine... And in his time!... And NEVER follows any agenda... Brother Glen