New Member
My take will be that we have passed the tipping point where those who receive their handouts from the government out number those who pay for them.
Such a circumstance was predicted when it was observed that voters can vote for themselves to raid the national treasury.
FAL has this issue nailed down. He understands what he is talking about. "Your take" is meaningless since you have no data to back up your assertion that more people are receiving benefits than not. Social Security recepients are entitled to receive their benefits, as are members of the armed forces and others who work for the government.
How can one raid the national treasury when the money belongs to the people? I am must less worried about those who are collecting earned benefits than I am about the politicans in charge not knowing how to govern or manage.
There are some occupations people have that should be the last to speak up about people collecting benefits from the government. There are all sorts of ways of shorting the treasury.