Unfortunately I can't link to Amish.com :laugh: But seriously if you don't think it is part of their beliefs you need to educate yourself a little about the issue before forming such strong opinions about it. To be honest, I thought it was common knowledge that they didn't believe in insurance, I guess I was wrong.
Many people - not just Amish - don't believe in insurance and a whole lot more don't believe in the government taking over medical care and insurance.
The original point of this thread - as I intended it - was suppose to be that the government has selected certain groups - namely union workers, government workers, and the Amish and maybe others we haven't learned about yet from the secret work they're doing - to be excluded or deferred from paying the taxes that will be imposed on the rest of us.
These categories have nothing to do with the "goodness" of the bureaucrats that are writing these laws. They are simply political moves to avoid certain problem areas, to appease certain vocal groups, and to maintain voter support. The rest of us will pay that much more for their programs.
The Amish are just be played for the political gain - avoidance of conflict - so the plan can be forced upon the rest who might not have the unified support of a particular religious sect but believe just as strongly. That's wrong and it's a misuse of power by the government that's forbidden by our Constitution.
The unions have bought the government and robbed the non-union workers of their hard-earned wages and salaries with their typical strong-armed back room politics. You didn't see it on C-SPAN like the chief thief had promised us all albeit some of us never believed his empty promise.
What's happening now is that many people can not see that they are trading their liberty for the "security" of the state. Some I suppose like that and actually believe it will be better even though history has taught us many times other that it is not.
Remember Bismark did this in Germany over one hundred years ago with a wide area of previously unheard of social programs. The people bought it and gave up their liberty in the process. It's happened more than once and now, in my beloved homeland, we have lost our way and are falling for it heads over heals.