The issue isn't the virtues of the Amish. That's where many are getting off track! It's the abuse of the government regulators who want to use them an exception - a token for political purposes - to avoid the conflict. It has nothing to do with being "resentful" of the Amish. It's being firm in our resolve that bad laws aren't foisted upon everyone else by such evil tactics. It has nothing to do with a "wish for ourselves" because most of us don't want anything like this from our government. We, rather, just want to be left alone to make our own choices. The only thing we expect from civil government is a means to attain justice when our fellow man wrongs us. The proposed law doesn't won't do that! To that extent we have a common virtue with the Amish. Preserving our liberty means avoiding such special exceptions especially when they're based on favors to a religious sect. This puts the government in the role of deciding which sect has merit and which does not. The only benefit I see to the exception being included is the opportunity to use it as a basis to have the entire law thrown out. Meanwhile, I praise God that the Democrats have one less seat in the Senate and hope this will ultimately lead to an end to the putrid legislation that has loomed over us for months.
Amazingly you started out right.....
The issue is not the virtue of the Amish.
But the issue is FREEDOM/ LIBERTY.............. and they are a group of people who may realize it in this exception.
Tell me this:
Do you right now have any fewer rights regarding your own choice of health care which you did not have at the end of 2009? No? Why? Because you still have choice like you did then... and will until something happens to take that choice away.
How are the Amish different from you at this point.... regarding health care? They are no different.
They have choices which they can make just like you do so currently there is no exemption..
........ so we've got it clear....
We are not discussing a problem in the present......
We're discussing a 'What might be....
and that based upon a 'What might pass' contained within health care legislation."
So what you're really concerned about is not that its giving the Amish anything....
but that it is taking away something you have.... your power of choice and it
allegedly will not take it away from the Amish.
Can't you see the difference?
You can't be more free by taking from others.
If you go into bondage.... another's freedom may work to free you.... but your making them have to submit to bondage just so everyone is treated as equals..... gives you more company in your misery... but does nothing to set either or both of you free.
But have it your way.... as so many others also do.......
They advocate for the regulations and control over other people things and territories of choices/ rights/ property/ abilities etc..... until it turns and bites them. Then they complain about how badly their being treated. Oh pooooooooooooooor me...... and wonder .....Who toook my freeeeeeeeeedom? Not realizing .... while they were limiting the choices of others they were limiting their own rights!
Used to be....according to the old saying.... I can give a man a fish and feed him for a day..... or teach a man to fish ..... and he'll feed himself for a lifetime.... used to be true......
But because of our selfish, controling, and narrowminded ways and short sighted ness.... we've changed the propects on the man who we taught to fish:
He now must buy a license. He will be limited as to where he can fish. He'll be told what is permitted and what itsn't regarding lures and bait. He may need to be able to identify what he catches.... and measure weight and size..... and if he catches the wrong kind or any which do not meet the guidelines.... he'll have to starve and throw them back ..... even if they mortally swalllowed the hook line and sinker......or pay hugh and unmerciful penalties.
A child sets up a lemonade stand.... every one thinks its sweet and give patronage and protests when the ordanance police give a warning citation for lack of health dept inspection, failure to register with the dept of business, and permit as a street vendor..... and succeeds in getting the regulators to back off... not that the law was changed, but a published agreement 'not to enforce'..... remember.... even the state's attorney has discretonary powers of enforcement and prosecution. ........ But this guy, unemployed for months and with a family, unemployment benefits almost up, hits upon an idea which he launches just in time... which works for a while: He's gotten an old 55 gal drum and cut it in half. He's found discarded oven racks and has made a grate to cook on. With the owners permission, he sets up business making kabobs of onion, meat, and pepper and sales them for $2 ea. Along comes the state regulatory police.... this man must pay $500 to get a business license...... and jump through a bunch of other hoops....... before he can attempt to make a living and feed his family. ---------It has become that we're so protected and regulated, that it is hard for a 'free man' to find anything he can do with his God given skills that is within his power of choice. Those who exercise their choice.... will find that most agree that they are not cute and will not have much protest for the defense of their freedom and work of on behalf of their families.