AGH! Don't ever call this cesspool of nasty pus and filth and backwards horse urine my home state!
And as far as costs, here's how affordable this wonderful plan works for my family.
We keep our insurance, which is great for us.
The costs went up.
Retirement pay went down due to taxes - to the tune of groceries for week.
Work hours for hubby were cut to accomodate more part time workers.
So for us, affordable health insurance means we have a lot less money so we can't help our own children afford it because we're paying for strangers to have it and we had to make some cuts of our own.
Oh, and when my doctor prescribed pain meds, one of the rules is you have to pee in a cup to prove you're taking it as prescribed and you're not taking street drugs or taking too much or too little or whatever, that's part of the new rules - auto assumption that you might be a criminal. And your doctor too just for prescribing it.
So now I have less money and get treated like a criminal.
In another thread that talked about food stamps, this is why I commented that one day, a lot of us might end up needing them. We didn't make lifestyle changes or try to make less money, but we're stuck with the consequences of this being enacted.
So the true cost? It's a lot for us. It's not affordable at all and I doubt we're some small minority that it's just not working out for.