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Hebrews 12:22-23

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Alan Gross

Well-Known Member
Based on
Not a single Scripture aligns being “placed in Christ” with a name being written down as Van would schemed.

Don’t forget, Van contends that the innate faith of the fallen can actually get God’s attention, and upon some unknown criteria of God should that human generated faith be found worthy aperson then is transferred “into Christ.”

Because the view he clings to is desperately flawed, he then must ignore any presentation that would assign the view as error.

All Scripture aligns the Preaching of the Gospel, which is The Message that JESUS CHRIST DIED, as well as that Jesus was Buried, and Rose Again, with being “placed in Christ”


Jesus Christ was Virgin born and Lived Perfectly Under The Universal Moral Law of God & all Ceremonial Laws, etc.

That Righteousness that Jesus Obtained by Living Perfectly Under The Law was an Attribute THAT THE ETERNAL GODHEAD DID NOT PREVIOUSLY POSSESS.




Because my big butt came along and told Him to Write my name in The Lamb's Book of Life and Place me in Christ?

...or because I told Him to Place me in Christ and then He Wrote my name in The Lamb's Book of Life?


God Hates the sin of The sinners so much He Chose in Eternity Past that He by The Determinant Council and Foreknowledge of God Had Jesus Die for sin,

Jesus was MADE to be sin, He Who Knew No sin, that we may be MADE The Righteousness of God, in Him.


Lost souls must be MADE AWARE of that sin they possess.

Lost souls must be MADE AWARE of that sin they possess, by The Preaching of The Gospel, with The Proclamation of THE PENALTY FOR SIN. THE SIN That Was Placed on The Perfect Son of God and Resulted in His DEATH is The ADMINISTRATION of The Law against sin.

Lost souls must be CONVICTED by The Holy Spirit and Given GODLY SORROW regarding THEIR PERSONAL SINS and GUILT TOWARD GOD that would otherwise result in their Eternal Hell of Firey Punishment.

Lost souls MUST BE GIVEN GOD-WROUGHT REPENTANCE of their Totally Depraved, Impotent, Helplessness...

...and Lost souls must be GIVEN FAITH to Believe that when Jesus died, it was their personal HORRIFYING ETERNAL SIN and WRATH of GOD THEY DESERVE that CAUSED JESUS to BE DEAD.


...is an Infinitely Different Bible Message than
"do you want to go to heaven, then pray with me, and start straightening God out on when He was Allowed to Write Specific names in His Book".

The reason it is Infinitely Different is that "there is none good, no not one".


Alan Gross

Well-Known Member
To whom it may concern:

The 'Blotting out' refers to those who 'assumed they were written in The Lamb's Book of Life".

They were going to find out that 'The names in their head' that they thought were written somewhere are going to be Exposed by God as 'Blotted out' of "THE LAMB'S BOOK of LIFE of THEIR IMAGINATION" and Revealed that, regardless of what they professed or assumed, Jesus Will Say, "I Never Knew you".


Jesus is Saying, to those arrogant UN-BELIEVERS,

There is No One Righteous

…12 "All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.

13 "Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The venom of vipers is on their lips.

14 "Their mouths are full of cursing and of bitterness.…"

When The Books are OPENED,
Jesus and The Bible is Saying,

"Do they see their name they assumed was there, now? Or has it been "blotted out", BECAUSE IT WASN'T THERE TO START WITH?

It was only written there IN THEIR SIN-CURSED MIND and vain imagination."


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Well that understanding is void of the understanding names are in the book prior to being born again, Mark 10:14-15; John 3:3-4; 1 John 5:4; Revelation 3:5. I cannot help you to see what is contrary to you presuppositions, what ever ways they are different than mine.
This is the second time you have posted a list of verses that supposedly conflict with names being written in the Lamb's book of life when that individual is placed in Christ. Lets look:

Mark 10:14-15 But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”

Does this verse say when names are written? Nope so yet again we have a smoke screed, a list of verses that do not in any way support the Calvinist premise.

No one questions we must "come to Christ" like a child without guile, but with sincere belief in God and His Christ.

Lets look at another, John 3:3-4 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?”

Does this verse say when names are written? No so yet again we have a smoke screed, a list of verses that do not in any way support the Calvinist premise.

No one questions we must be placed in Christ, resulting in being born anew, to be in the kingdom of God.


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To whom it may concern:

The 'Blotting out' refers to those who 'assumed they were written in The Lamb's Book of Life".

The names written in the Lamb's book of life are never blotted out. They are written in the Lamb's book of life when a person is placed in Christ.


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When are names written the Lamb's book of life?
During the period since the foundation of the world to the end of the age, when a person is placed in Christ.

When are people placed in Christ? When God puts them in Christ? How does God put them in Christ?
When He spiritually baptizes them into Christ.
When He transfers them from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son.
When He sets them apart in Christ through the sanctification by the Spirit.
All of the above!!!

Alan Gross

Well-Known Member
Specific names of future members to be naturally born into The Human Race are Chosen and Placed in Christ IN THE DETERMINANT COUNSIL and FORKNOWLEGDE of God, in Eternity Past.

That is why those Specific names are referred ed to, as having "their names Written".

They were "Placed in Christ", in The Mind of God, from Eternity Past, as God's PLAN to Save some.

Every lost soul would have gone to Hell, if He Didn't Chose them.

I'm not saying the Chosen were 'Saved', when they were in God's Mind and Plan.

In the Providence of God, at a Particular Moment of Time, God Has The Gospel Preached to that Chosen lost souls and Brings their sin Under Conviction.

The New Birth Enables that soul to Repent of their sins and agree with God, about their helplessness in sin, and God Grants that soul Faith, to Believe that The Work of Jesus Christ Accomplished Eternal Salvation for them, Specifically.

Jesus is The Savior.

Jesus Agreed to Purchase those Chosen souls God Gave Him, in Eternity Past.

Those are the Specific souls, reduced to the expression 'written in The Lamb' s Book of Life' Jesus Died for.

"they shall call His Name, Jesus, because He Will Die for the sins, (Specifically), of His people," (Specifically). Matthew 1:21.

The Eternal Covenant of God's Plan for Salvation of Specific Individuals of mankind was Accomplished, by The Work of Jesus, and is Carried out, in the Process of Time, The Holy Spirit.

God Knows All Things, from The Beginning.

Those who are in the camb of 'thinking they are or were written' who have never been made aware of the thoughts and intents of their heart is only evil, continually, haven't been Convicted of being undone, helpless, and a wicked God-Hater.

There would be an understanding and Repentance Granted, if they had, which would be indicated by a Spiritually Teachable Spirit THAT AGREES WITH GOD'S WORD.

Those things are rarely, if ever mentioned, by some who just come off with unilateral pronouncements trying to suggest they 'know Jesus'.

Maybe, they do.

Usually, some Bible would be nice to reinforce some of those demands that are mindlessly made to other children of God.

We could Fellowship and Love God for Who He is and Worship Him what what He Has Done and Revealed in The Bible, rather that say 'He didn' t', & that's because we, 'by god, rewrote it' .
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When are names written the Lamb's book of life?
During the period since the foundation of the world to the end of the age, when a person is placed in Christ.

When are people placed in Christ? When God puts them in Christ? How does God put them in Christ?
When He spiritually baptizes them into Christ.
When He transfers them from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son.
When He sets them apart in Christ through the sanctification by the Spirit.
All of the above!!!

Does God put people that aren't born yet "in Christ"?
Does God spiritually baptize people that aren't born yet "into Christ"?
Does God transfer people that aren't born yet from "the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son?"

Alan Gross

Well-Known Member
Does God put people that aren't born yet "in Christ"?
Does God spiritually baptize people that aren't born yet "into Christ"?
Does God transfer people that aren't born yet from "the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son?"

Does God put people that aren't born yet "in Christ"?

Only in His Mind, which is in Eternity Past. I believe The Bible is expressing that God 'Made Notes' and 'Took Names'.

Yes, your point is, no, with regard to Savingly Credited with His Blood, in The New Birth, and 'Placed into Christ', by Justification, that Takes Place in Time.

Does God spiritually baptize people that aren't born yet "into Christ"?

I bow out of this kind of invention.

I have never seen where any soul has even been 'spiritually baptised'.

Does God transfer people that aren't born yet from "the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son?"

Nah. That's Not God's Plan or Execution of His Eternal Plan.


Well-Known Member
This is the second time you have posted a list of verses that supposedly conflict with names being written in the Lamb's book of life when that individual is placed in Christ. Lets look:

Mark 10:14-15 But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”

Does this verse say when names are written? Nope so yet again we have a smoke screed, a list of verses that do not in any way support the Calvinist premise.

No one questions we must "come to Christ" like a child without guile, but with sincere belief in God and His Christ.

Lets look at another, John 3:3-4 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?”

Does this verse say when names are written? No so yet again we have a smoke screed, a list of verses that do not in any way support the Calvinist premise.

No one questions we must be placed in Christ, resulting in being born anew, to be in the kingdom of God.
Those verses only refer to entering and seeing the Kingdom of God. Would names not be in the book and enter and see God's kingdom? Those who end up in the second death do not have their names in the book, ". . . And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. . . ." -- Revelation 20:15. Now it is my understanding those who are born from God to again be counted as little childern in God's sight, will never have their name removed, ". . . I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, . . ." -- Revelation 3:5. From which I deduce names start out in the book.


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Does God put people that aren't born yet "in Christ"?
Does God spiritually baptize people that aren't born yet "into Christ"?
Does God transfer people that aren't born yet from "the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son?"

Yet another repeat the question and ignore the answer post. Twaddle


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Those verses only refer to entering and seeing the Kingdom of God. Would names not be in the book and enter and see God's kingdom? Those who end up in the second death do not have their names in the book, ". . . And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. . . ." -- Revelation 20:15. Now it is my understanding those who are born from God to again be counted as little childern in God's sight, will never have their name removed, ". . . I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, . . ." -- Revelation 3:5. From which I deduce names start out in the book.
I cannot see how such a "deduction" is possible. Those verses provide no support for names being written before the foundation of the world. Names do not "start out in the book" they are written in the book. Recall the spirits enrolled in heaven have been made perfect? Therefore their names were written in that book after they were made perfect, thus after they were put spiritually in Christ and made alive. Therefore, their names would only be written after they were placed in Christ. It is a lock.

Why would the names of the lost not be written since the foundation of the world, but the names of the redeemed would also not be written in the book since the foundation? That claim is absurd!


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Yet another non-answer by ignoring the question.
The question has been answered, and every time you claim it has not been answered, you are posting screed.

When are individuals placed in Christ? What answer has "ITL" provided? None
When are unbelievers placed in Christ? What answer has "ITL"provided? None

Has Van answered those questions? Yes
When are individuals placed in Christ. What answer has Van provided? When God credits their faith as righteousness, He puts them spiritually into Christ.
When are unbelievers placed in Christ? What answer has Van provided? God puts individuals whose faith has been credited as righteousness.


Well-Known Member
I cannot see how such a "deduction" is possible.
1 John 2:2: 2 Corinthians 5:14.
Why would the names of the lost not be written since the foundation of the world, but the names of the redeemed would also not be written in the book since the foundation? That claim is absurd!
Because that is your absurd understanding. All names begin in the book.


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The question has been answered, and every time you claim it has not been answered, you are posting screed.

When are individuals placed in Christ? What answer has "ITL" provided? None
When are unbelievers placed in Christ? What answer has "ITL"provided? None

Has Van answered those questions? Yes
When are individuals placed in Christ. What answer has Van provided? When God credits their faith as righteousness, He puts them spiritually into Christ.
When are unbelievers placed in Christ? What answer has Van provided? God puts individuals whose faith has been credited as righteousness.

This world you've created for yourself must be very nice.
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