Do not fall into the trap of using the patristic age to defend doctrine. The post-Apostolic age was rife with error. They tolerated baptismal regeneration, the pre-existence of the soul, and modalism. The early church fathers were not a monolithic group.
I can appreciate your not wanting to be called by the name of a man. The great thing is that you do not have to accept it. I use those terms for categorical reasons. My use of them is not personal, but it also is not dependent on whether you accept them or not.
yes, for when catholic church and other seek to get their doctrines approved by referencing the early Church fathers, have to realise that they were NOT Apostles of Christ, and that early on after John passed there started to be a distortion of the Apostolic doctrines of the Chrsitian faith!
Which was to be expected for peter/paul/Jude etc ALL saw that even in their day a deviation from the truth was trying to sneak into early church, and they wrote to combat that an make sound doctrines were being heeded!
And when someone claims to NOT be following a mans teaching, but that of the bible only, doesn't that soundsimiliar to those who said 'we were of peter, another we of paul, another we follow christ?"