We are called to be the salt and the light. We cannot be salt and light if we lock ourselves away from the rest of the world. The example Jesus set is to make it clear that there is sin in all of our lives, reveal it and provide the means of overcoming it. We all were sinners when some Christian shared Jesus with us. We need to be willing to reach into the muck and mire of sin to help lift our neighbors off the ground so they can see the light.
Don't dump your friend summarily. However, be careful that you don't hide the fact that sin is sin. Sexual iniquity is sin. Don't beat him over the head about it, but don't condone it. I have a friend who is caught in a sin also. (not the same one) When he asked me for advice, I have made it clear that I cannot condone his particular activity, but I still love him as a person. It is to the point that he is being convicted and trying to kick the sin. Of course, he may succeed by himself, but, from experience, God can take it right away if he would only surrender to Him, and by himself, it is a long hard road.
One admonition... It is easy to be dragged into sin. Remain strong. And if you have the least bit of doubt whether you can resist the snare of his sin, then stay in "safe" environments ( get away from him and stay away. Keep a prayer on your heart and let the Holy Spirit guide you.
As far as seperating yourself totally from sinners... Have a good solitary life. Jesus Himself ate and talked and walked with sinners. Thank God He came to seek the very sinners some of you are telling this young man to avoid. We are told to go and make disciples... baptising in the name of... Well, they need to be saved for baptism to be commanded. That implies we need to spend time with them so they can see the Gospel and love of Jesus through our "light". While I often consider JohnV a liberal, I have to agree with him. We often cannot reach a sinner by telling him to get lost.
Don't dump your friend summarily. However, be careful that you don't hide the fact that sin is sin. Sexual iniquity is sin. Don't beat him over the head about it, but don't condone it. I have a friend who is caught in a sin also. (not the same one) When he asked me for advice, I have made it clear that I cannot condone his particular activity, but I still love him as a person. It is to the point that he is being convicted and trying to kick the sin. Of course, he may succeed by himself, but, from experience, God can take it right away if he would only surrender to Him, and by himself, it is a long hard road.
One admonition... It is easy to be dragged into sin. Remain strong. And if you have the least bit of doubt whether you can resist the snare of his sin, then stay in "safe" environments ( get away from him and stay away. Keep a prayer on your heart and let the Holy Spirit guide you.
As far as seperating yourself totally from sinners... Have a good solitary life. Jesus Himself ate and talked and walked with sinners. Thank God He came to seek the very sinners some of you are telling this young man to avoid. We are told to go and make disciples... baptising in the name of... Well, they need to be saved for baptism to be commanded. That implies we need to spend time with them so they can see the Gospel and love of Jesus through our "light". While I often consider JohnV a liberal, I have to agree with him. We often cannot reach a sinner by telling him to get lost.