We already have a mysterious virus hitting kids across America ......wonder where that might have sprung from?
It came from all those Central American illegal children. Lots of them were sick upon arrival, and in the past, immigration would have sent sick folks back to their country of origin. However, that was when we had enforcement of borders and our laws.
Now they brought these illegal children in, last count nearly 70,000 [this year], then sent them to relatives [yeah sure .... who believes these kids had relatives?] all over the nation.
Shortly after moving thousands of kids into the Colorado area, Enterovirus broke out, and it continued to break out from the mid-West to the coasts, the same pattern immigration and DHS used when shipping these ids out!
Is it a coincidence. I HIGHLY DOUBT IT. Would CDC, NIH and the Administration report this? Again, HIGHLY UNLIKELY.
I can't prove this is why enterovirus 68 broke out, but, I an not the only person thinking along these lines. Even so, I guarantee you that liberal, far and wide, and her on the board, would argue I am starting a conspiracy type theory!
So, it is merely a theory without facts, I am GUILTY! Nevertheless, this Enterovirus 68 didn't just start up on its own, and all the medical folks are calling this a strange and even rare virus.
BTW - this particular strain of virus is closely related to polio. A disease we nearly rid ourselves of since the 60s. Here is an interesting link to read. And though CDC and Obama are not going to pass the buck to illegal immigrants, especially children coming here this past year, it is highly likely that this strain is a result of the influx of illegal children plus the liberal move to stop vaccinating children for diseases, such as polio!