It is equally important to remember that if Paul wrote vast quantities of scripture of negligible value to non-Jews and sent it to Gentile Churches then he was not really the Apostle to the Gentiles and most of the Bible is worthless and irrelevant to most Christians ... we might as well join a New Age church and just get in touch with our Earth Mother.
On the other hand, if Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles and what he wrote was intended for us and the Gospels were written to take the Good News to all nations, then all of scripture is for us and the Jew/Gentile dichotomy is a red herring meant to confuse and mislead.
All who believe are the Israel of God.
Thank you atpollard for your contribution but I have to tell you that the scripture were written in a historical context that involved the Jews rejecting their promised Messiah and the immediate response of God that has not changed since those days. They will not change until God changes them when the fullness of the gentiles be come in. We are very close to that now. He said in Rom 11 that this will be a pivot point and that he will then come out of Zion and save his people Israel. If he is coming out of Zion, that has to mean he has come to Zion. Zion is Jerusalem. Read Ze 14 now.
Everything you teach about God is an error. It is because you have been trained to not believe the words of the Bible. Trust me, you are not a new Israel. If Israel needs to be saved in Rom 11:26 after the fullness of the gentiles be come in then this has to mean you are not Israel or God did not do a good job of saving you or electing you. Sometimes it is good to reflect on just how much sense you are not making.