None of them sat in the temple & proclaimed themselves God & demanded to be worshipped.
If you're looking for an individual this guy is as good as any candidate:
"Josephus also records that before this John of Gischala, the son of Levi, was established as the Zealot leader in control of the Temple area (there were three Zealot factions), the power of Satan was already doing his deceitful and treacherous work. This John physically entered the Temple, presented himself to the Zealots as a God-sent ambassador; and persuaded them to defy the laws of Rome and go to war to gain independence. He also instigated the calling in the Idumaeans to keep the Jewish sympathizers from submitting to Rome. He ordered the death of Ananus and the removal of the priesthood. After these atrocities, he became the official leader of the Zealot group m control of theTemple area-john held the temple" and began disregarded the laws of Rome, God, and man, and promising deliverance from the Romans. Then he broke off from the Zealots and began "setting up a monarchial power." He "set on fire these houses that were full of corn, and of all other provision which would have been sufficient for a siege of many years" He deceived the Jews about the power of the Roman armies In possession of the Temple and the adjoining parts, he cut the throats of anyone suspected of going over to the
Romans.13 He performed many sacrileges, such as melting down the sacred utensils used in Temple service, and defiled the Temple.
In short, this John established himself in the Temple, the one standing when Paul wrote, and put himself above Rome and above God, thereby taking the place of God in the Temple. All this happened, right then and there, and exactly as Paul had said the "man of sin" would do.
After the coming of the Lord and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in A.D. 70, John of Gischala was "condemned to perpetual imprisonment" by the Roman authorities. Thus was fulfilled Paul's prophetic and symbolic language that this man would be destroyed by "the spirit of his Jesus mouth and brightness of his [parousia] coming" (see
Isa. 11:4;
Hos. 6:5; also
Da. 7:8,
Verses 11-12. "For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but delighted In wickedness."
Josephus records that the Roman General Titus had no intention of destroying the Temple. The Romans wanted to preserve it as a trophy and monument of their conquest. Even Josephus personally pleaded with John of Gischala to surrender. But such a "madness" swept through him and his Jewish followers that they taunted the powers of Rome and refused to listen. This man, John, through the power of Satan and the delusion sent by God upon the Jewish people, forced the Roman armies to act. Instead of accepting Jesus as Messiah, King, and Deliverer, the unbelieving Jews placed their hopes in this false messiah a man of deceit and wickedness. They looked to the "man of sin" to lead them to victory and independence. The priesthood, which stood in their way, had been removed. And by August or September of A.D. 70, Paul's entire "man of sin" prophecy of
2nd Thessalonians 2:1-12 was fulfilled. The city and the Temple were burned and destroyed. The covenant nation of Israel and biblical Judaism were forever destroyed."
John of Gischala, The man of Lawlessness | The Puritan Board
And Paul wrote "man of sin", not "army of sin".
Lol, Paul referred to the Church as "one new man" in one place, and as "a new creature" in another.
And the events I questioned you about did NOT occur then.
Says who, you? Your brutishness with Bible hyperbole and apocalyptic language means nothing. It's quite common among you sensationalists actually. Answer me this robyprophet, what mountains did JTB level, which valleys did he raise, what highways did he straighten? I suppose you are expecting a literal great red dragon w/seven literal heads and ten literal horns with a literal great whore decked out in the high priest garb with a literal cup of abominations in her hand and literally riding the great dragon's back chasing after a woman clothed literally with the sun, moon, and stars; and that this literal great red dragon literally draws a third of literal stars from the heaven and throws them to the literal earth....etc., etc., etc..... ROFL.
Evidently, you don'e believe Matt. 24:29-31 or Rev. 19:11-21. And He will abide here, in Jerusalem, til the millenium is up.
I believe it all. Just not with the skewed vision you have.