But "perserverance" does not speak to the issue of the CAUSE or SOURCE of faith only its course! Your argument was and is based upon faith having it SOURCE in all men. My view is that faith originates with God not man and only the elect obtain it by grace not due to their fallen nature which is antithetical to faith (Rom. 8:7-8) which cannot "please God" (Rom. 8:8) whereas faith is essential to please God (Heb. 11:6).
Why are you changing the subject? When were we speaking of the source of faith? You said only the elect have faith, I showed you that Calvin and other Calvinists (Monergism dot com) believe many men profess faith but fall away.
I showed you where Jesus himself said men "which for a while believe". I noticed you have conveniently overlooked this verse and failed to answer my question. Did Jesus die for these persons which believed for a while?
Don't tell me what I believe or don't believe! Don't build some straw man and apply it to all who disagree with your idea of the source of faith! There are all kinds of faith that originate with the lost nature (dead, vain, miracle, etc.) but justifying faith is not a temporary faith nor is it a product of fallen human nature but is the product of a new heart.
Don't confuse vain, dead or miracle faith with justifying faith as they are not the same. Don't attribute vain or dead faith to God as they are completely human in source. Don't attribute justifying faith to fallen man as it is a product of grace not of men (Jn. 6:44; 65).
I am not telling you what you believe, but you are using that for your big "cop out". Many Calvinists use this argument when they are boxed into a corner, but Calvinism is called Calvinism for a reason because it is founded upon the writings of Calvin and what he believed.
I am telling you what many Calvinists "generally" believe. You believe only God can give a man faith, did God give those persons in Luke 8:13 which believed "for a while" faith? Did God take that faith away? Did Jesus die for these persons which believed for a while?
And why do you give a definition to faith that scripture does not mention? Jesus said only that these persons "believed" for a while. Are you suggesting that Jesus did not know what he was talking about?
And John 6:44-45 does not say one word about God giving men faith. Yes, they do say no man can come to Jesus unless he is drawn by the Father, but then Jesus explains how a man is drawn, by being taught by the Father. Every man that has heard and learned from the Father comes to Jesus. This does not say one word about man needing to be regenerated to have faith as you falsely ascribe to these verses. You are reading into scripture what is not there, and adding to God's word.